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Carmen and Willis's footsteps hit hardly against the hospitals floors as they ran towards the front desk.

As soon as Carmen picked up her phone, she was notified that Kim had been in a terrible accident and was practically clinging onto life.

Without even a thought, she grabbed Will and then rushed to the hospital, running more than a few red lights in the process.

They were both frantic as they looked the small woman sitting at the front desk in the eye. "Hi I'm Carmen Smith, my daughter's name is Kimberly Smith, and I was alerted that she was just brought to this hospital," Carmen said as a few tears freely fell from her eyes.

Will rubbed the small of her back to get her to calm down. Carmen was a strong woman, but when it came to her child being hurt, all that went out the window.

The woman typed Kim's name into the computer before looking at the conditions she was in. "Mrs.Smith, your daughter was involved in a car accident with a truck driver. She ran a stop light, so she was hit on the driver's side. She's in a very critical condition, and the doctor shall be with you for more information. They're currently working on her."

Will nodded his head, leading a hysterical Carmen to the waiting room.

"How could this have happened, Will? She just got over a broken leg, who knows what's wrong with her now," she said, moving her hands frantically as she talked.

He kissed her forehead before engulfing her shaking body into a hug. "It's alright baby. God gon keep her," he whispered into her ear.


Denise rubbed her belly as a few tears fell from her eyes. She had just screamed up a storm and it took Dawn and a nurse to calm her down so she wouldn't stress the baby.

As soon as she heard the gunshots, she rushed outside to see Paris lying on the ground, clutching his chest. She almost fainted from all that of the blood she saw coming from his wounds.

"I told him to leave this drug mess alone. I told that boy," Dawn said, pacing back in forth in the waiting room. Everyday she feared for Paris's life, she hated that the street life was something he had chosen to keep in his lifestyle.

She had been out with Rose when she got the call, almost giving her a heart attack.

Rose sat in the corner on her phone, texting away with her now fiancé, Drake, asking him how his tour was going. Looking up from her phone, she shook her head, thinking that her sister and mother were acting a fool.

"This is the life he chose, I'm only surprised it didn't happen sooner. He acts like a street rat that can't be touched, and now look where he is, lying up in the hospital struggling to breathe," she said, shaking her head.

Dawn looked at her daughter like she was crazy before Denise sprang from her chair and lunged at her.

She quickly punched Rose in the face before Will intervened, pulling Denise away from her.

He usually didn't insert himself in others' business but once Carmen recognized them, she told him to help.

"You stupid b*tch. Our brother is in this hospital fighting for his life and you're talking about him like it's nothing. Why do you even come around us if you think you're so much better!" she yelled.

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