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"Honey move that box over here for me," Carmen instructed as they unpacked  some furniture into my Kim's new apartment.

It felt good for her to be living in a new area, surrounded by new people. After going back and forth in her head, she decided it was best
for her to leave the old apartment that was full of memories with Lo.

Kim looked around in awe at the completed project. They decorated it to her style and everything looked just how she wanted.

Carmen dusted off her hands before plopping down on the plush couch

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Carmen dusted off her hands before plopping down on the plush couch. They had been moving things all day so she was worn out. "When is Paris coming over? I think I then did enough," she huffed.

Kim chuckled before sitting besides her. "He said he was on his way, he should be here any minute now."

Although they weren't in a relationship right now, Paris and Kim thought it would be ok if they hung out together. They hated not being around each other. The only problem was, they couldn't go out in public where other people could see them.

Kim thought he was hiding her at first but he assured her that it was just for her safety.

Just as her mind started to wander, somebody knocked on the door.

Dusting off the grey Nike joggers that hung off her slim waist, she waltzed over to the door before looking through the peephole. Paris stood there rocking back and for on the heels of the sandals he sported.

Kim opened the door only for him to pull her into a hug as he walked them into the apartment. His body smelled of Irish Spring soap and Tom Ford cologne. "I missed my baybeh," he said, running his long fingers through her tousled black strands.

"Well what about me," Carmen laughed, causing him to quickly let go of her.

"Oh hey Carmen, I didn't even see ya there," he said, running his hands over his braids.

She shooed him off before engulfing him into a hug. He inhaled her Beyonce Heat perfume as her Afro tickled his nose. "Alright I'll leave you guys be, I have business to tend to at the office," she said before grabbing her purse off of the ottoman.

As soon as the door closed, Kim wrapped her legs around Paris's torso before planting kisses around face, avoiding his lips. She knew her limits.

He laughed before grabbing her cheeks. "Aight chill out with allat sap sh*t."

Kim took in his appearance as she watched him check out the new space. Usually he would be dressed up to the T, but he was dressed down for the day. An all black polo suit hung from his slim build with Nike sandals on his feet.

He looked just as good as he did any other day.

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