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"You okay baby?" Lo asked, causing me to look up from the ground.

I faked a smile to reassure him, but he could see right through me, so that didn't work.

He pursed his lips together before walking over to me and placing me on his lap. I continued to look at the ground until he lifted my chin up. "What's wrong? You been acting like that for the past week."

It had been a week since Milan and I talked. I couldn't believe she was really holding a grudge over me having a meaningless dance with a stranger. We're supposed to be best friends.

"I'm alright Lo. My stomach just hurts, that's all," I lied. There was no way in hell I was about to tell him what me and Milan were fighting for.

Of course the dancing didn't mean anything, but Lo would've probably taken it in a whole different direction.

"Was it something I cooked? I didn't cook it right or something?" he asked with a worrisome look on his face.

I chuckled lowly before shaking my head. He was always worried about me, and I loved that about him. "No baby, the food was good."

He let out a sigh of relief before pecking my lips.

"Did you have any morning sickness or anything?" he smirked.

I already knew what he was hinting at. He thought I was pregnant, which I wasn't. I wasn't ready for kids, I'm still in college.

I rolled my eyes before getting up from his lap. "Don't start."

"You sure? I didn't see you going buy any pads so that can only mean you missed your period," he joked.

Even though he was joking, I knew that he was low key really trying to see if I was pregnant. I love Lo and I want to start a family with him, but I'm just not ready.

"Lorenzo, I'm not pregnant."

He sensed my unintentional attitude so he decided to walk closer to me and wrap his arms around me. I let out a frustrated breath before he kissed my forehead. "I was just joking around babe. You already told me you're not ready for that and I understand."

The tone of his voice hinted that he was disappointed. I felt bad, but I knew he understood somehow.

"I'm about to go get something to cook for you, okay?," I said, sliding out of his grasp.

I just didn't feel like pondering around the house anymore, and I didn't want the awkward conversation to go any further.

"Um, Okay?" he said with a confused expression on his face.

"Love you," I called out before grabbing my keys and heading out the door of our apartment.

My phone dinged in my hand as I climbed into my truck. I looked down at it before kissing my teeth.

Demarcus😆: Come swing by real quick. 1:23 pm

"What does this nigga want?" I said to myself as I drove in the direction to his house.

I pulled up onto the side of the house only to see Paris's car outside. I quickly put down my mirror to fix my messy hair and to apply some lip stick.

 I quickly put down my mirror to fix my messy hair and to apply some lip stick

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