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The cold air hit Kim in the face as she stepped into the family clinic. It had been a week since she had saw Paris, and she'd been sick the entire time. At first she thought it was depression, but the morning sickness said it was something else.

After signing in and waiting a few minutes, a nurse finally called her in. Kim looked the nurse up and down, admiring how beautiful she was. She looked like she hopped right out of a magazine. The smile on her face eased Kim's mind off of what was actually about to go down.

"Hi I'm London and I'll be helping you out today. Is there anything that's been bothering you?" she asked before sitting down next to her.

"I think I'm pregnant. I've been having this feeling for a couple months now, but I was too scared to take a pregnancy test. The symptoms have just gotten worst this past week."

London nodded before writing a few things down on a clipboard. Pulling out a cup from the medical drawer, she handed to Kim. "Go urinate in this cup for me and then I'll test it out for you."

She took a deep breath before going to the bathroom and peeing in the cup. Her mind was all over the place and now was not the time to be pregnant.

20 minutes had passed since London had taken the pee for testing. She came back in with a few papers in her hand. "So it looks like you are pregnant and you have been for two months now. Do you have a plan for what you want to do?"

Kim wanted to cry, but she couldn't form the tears. She'd been crying for a week and she was all dried out. Even though pregnancy was not what she wanted or needed right now, she was going to go through with it. "Um, I'd like to get scheduled for an ultrasound."


Carmen rubbed the back of Kim's neck as she laid her head in her lap. She didn't know what had went wrong between her and Paris, but Kim did tell her that she was going to be a single mom.

"Baby, I don't think you should keep this away from him. He's just as responsible as you are when it comes down to the baby. Paris deserves to know."

"I agree," Denise said sitting in the sofa across from them with a sleeping Egypt in her arms.

Even though they had their differences, they put them aside as soon as Denise learned that Atlas had tricked her and was the one going after her brother.

All the feelings she had for him disappeared into thin air. She had tried to get in touch with Paris but he was still a little mad at her.

"I can take care of the baby by myself," Kim said. Even though she didn't have a job, her parents always kept her a float. She didn't have to work a day in her life if she didn't want to.

"Girl you really think my brother won't find out that you're carrying his child? You must be forgetting what he is," Denise chuckled.

He was a kingpin, he found out everything.

Carmen was confused by the last bit of Denise's statement but shrugged it off. "Kimberly, you're going to tell him. No questions asked," she said.

Kim sighed before agreeing. "Okay."
Smoke clouded around Paris's head as he laid back against the couch. He managed to tune everybody out. His phone was on silent, and all he wanted was to be alone.

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