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Carmen moved swiftly throughout the kitchen as she prepared for Paris and Kim's arrival. She wanted her daughter to be happy and she was going to put her best foot forward trying to get to know Paris to start off.

Her husband, Willis, trotted into the kitchen only for the smells of the red beans and rice Carmen was cooking up to smack him right in the face. Willis wasn't all to happy about his daughter's new love interest and he didn't make any effort in trying to hide it either.

He felt like Lorenzo was perfect for her since he was the one that set them up. Kim had met Lo in Willis's law firm and he was the one that's pushed them to be together. The reason why they split up was unknown to him but he certainly planned on asking.

Carmen looked up at him to see an annoyed look on his face, making her laugh. "Will, fix your face. Please be nice to this young man tonight," she said, placing her hand on his flat stomach.

"I can try

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"I can try. I'm just confused is all. Lorenzo was perfect for her. Plenty money, caring, passionate, what more could she want?" He asked, rubbing his bald head.

Carmen knew that Lo was a good man. She liked him for Kim, but he was kind of boring to her. "To feel alive babe, and that's exactly how Paris makes her feel. I can see it in her eyes when she's around him."

Will huffed feeling lowkey defeated. He really did want Kim to be happy, and he was going to see just what type of man Paris was in a few minutes.

Just as Will was about to say anything else Kim yelled for them as Paris wheeled her through the door.

The parents walked into the living room to greet them only to see Paris whispering in Kim's ear making jokes about her broken leg. She was laughing up a storm before grabbing his face and pecking his lips.

Carmen watched the two in awe before Will made a cough to indicate them standing in the room.

Paris and Kim both looked up at them before blushing.

Walking up to the two, Paris engulfed Carmen into a hug before kissing her cheek. She smelled of Chanel 5, per usual. He then shook Will's hand before smiling at him, revealing his grills. "Hi how ya doing, my name's Paris," he said since it was his first time meeting the man.

Will gave him a tight-lipped smile before introducing himself back. He then looked at his daughter in the wheelchair before walking over to her and engulfing her into a hug.

"Hey daddy hey momma," Kim said still smiling ear to ear.

"Oh my baby can I get you anything? My poor baby," Carmen said, kissing Kim's face all over.

"Momma I'm good," she chuckled a little embarrassed.

"Oh you're just shamed. Paris you don't mind me kissing on your girl do you?" Carmen chuckled.

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