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Kim sat on the couch as she waited for Denise to finish up in the bathroom. Only the tapping of her nails could be heard as she texted back in forth with Paris.

Ever since she told him she loved him and he didn't say it back, he kept reminding her on the daily how much he cared about her.

Kim only knew that he didn't want her thinking he didn't care for her like she thought he did. It was cute to her.

"Is she almost done? I'm getting hungry," Carmen said, coming from the back room.

Her thick black curls were tied into a pineapple on top of her head, framing her chocolate face perfectly. (I changed Carmen's character)

"Mama she's a full term pregnant lady, you know they take forever in the bathroom

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"Mama she's a full term pregnant lady, you know they take forever in the bathroom."

Kim, Denise, and Carmen were going out to lunch in the city. Dawn was going to meet up with them there. It was Denise's idea to get the two mothers acquainted with each other.

Carmen rolled her eyes before fixing the extremely large bifocals on her face. She hadn't met Denise yet, but her taking so long in the bathroom wasn't earning her any brownie points.

"Sorry I took so long," Denise said, sashaying into the living room. She noticed the beautiful woman that was sitting in the recliner before waddling over to her.

"Hi, you must be Denise," Carmen said, engulfing her into a hug.

"Hello, it's so nice to meet you. Kim has told me so many things about you. You are gorgeous," she said, looking her slim hourglass figure up and down.

Denise was stunned at Carmen's looks. She was so pretty to her, from the body to the extremely thick hair. Carmen had it going on. From the looks of things, you could tell she had money too. A black Armani dress clung to her body paired with yellow Louis Vuitton heels.

"You too honey. You are working that baby bump. Kim please get off of your phone and let's go," Carmen said turning her attention to Kim who was giggling away at the nasty things Paris was texting her.

Kim looked up before putting her phone away. "Well my bad," she snickered before grabbing her trench coat off of the sofa and following the two out the door.

As soon as the three walked into Sushi Seki, they were instantly seated.

"I'm Marissa, and I'll be your waitress for tonight. Can I start you guys off with drinks?" The smiley waitress asked before taking their orders and dashing to the back.

Dawn looked around the restaurant in search of the girls before her eyes landed directly on their table. She rubbed her lips together before walking towards them.

Kim's eyes brightened when she saw Dawn, instantly getting up to greet her. She loved Dawn because she was a kindhearted woman who welcomed her in with open arms. She only hoped her mother would love her too.

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