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Paris what are we supposed to do?! He's loosing a lot of blood," Kim exclaimed as she held Marcus's face.

"Let him die," Maine shrugged as he drove towards the trap.

Paris ignored her. He was extremely mad but he was being calm. If she wasn't in the car, he'd let Marcus die, but the little remorse he had told him otherwise.

"Really Maine?! Paris are you seriously ignoring me at a time like this?!" She slapped his arm.

He chuckled before stroking his goatee. Kim had him at his width's end. He was never one to hit females but he certainly wanted to strangle her.

"Kim, we got somebody at the trap that'll take care of him, calm down," Maine said, knowing Paris wasn't going to answer her.

"You guys act like this is normal for you! Someone is dying in your back seat," she said, looking between the two of them like they were crazy.

"Uh, we're drug dealers saweetie, this is normal for us," Maine joked even though it wasn't the time.

Kim became frustrated and wished she had never gotten involved in the first place. If Marcus died, his blood would be on her hands, and she didn't know if she could live with that.

Tears streamed down her face as she held Marcus's hand. "I'm so sorry Marcus, you didn't deserve this," she said, causing Paris to snap.

"Didn't deserve this?! Are you f*cking serious right now?! This nigga was plotting to have me killed and you talking bout he didn't deserve it! So I guess you rather it have been me huh?" He yelled, practically in the backseat with them.

"No one deserves death Paris! Look at him he's suffe-"

In a blink of an eye, Paris quickly retrieved his gun from his side and shot Marcus in his head.

"Nooo! What did you do?!" Kim watched in terror. Paris saw the look on her face and instantly regretted what he did. She looked horrified.

She burst into tears before she started swinging on Paris. She couldn't believe what he had just done out of anger. That was a side of him she'd never seen, and she never wanted to see it again.

"What the f*ck is wrong with you?" she screamed, decking him clean across his face.

Maine shook his head as he continued to drive. "Aye y'all need to chill out before we get pulled over," he said nonchalantly as they tussled with each other.

Paris restrained her as she tried to continue to hit him. She put up a good fight before finally giving up and just sobbing. "Paris I hate you! Why would you do that?!"

He didn't respond, but just held her as she cried. This is the part of his life that he wanted to protect her from, and he just killed a man in front of her.
Maine dropped the both of them off, before heading to the trap to deal with the body. It wasn't going to take long to do that.

Before they got out, Kim cleaned Marcus's blood off her body the best she could and stormed to the elevator, leaving Paris behind.

"Paris you my dawg man, but that was f*cked up. You shouldn't have did that in front of her. Now she gon feel like he dead because of her, and nobody wanna carry that burden."

He nodded before shutting the door and heading towards the condo.

His leg was holding him back a little bit, but he still managed. Kim had already made it into the condo by the time he got up there.

Her mind was all over the place, but more than anything, she felt guilty. A man was no longer breathing because of her wrong doing. If she wouldn't have never gotten involved, he would still be alive.

Going into the dresser, she grabbed her some shorts and a tee before getting into the shower. She stared into space as the water washed away the impurities from her body. She begged God for forgiveness as tears rushed down her face.

Paris's heart broke into two as he heard her cries. Right about now, he hated himself. He felt as though he caused her enough pain physically, and now she was hurting mentally.

Kim was in the shower for what seemed like forever before drying off and coming out of the bathroom.

Paris's heart dropped as he seen her walk out with her hair wet and her eyes puffy.

She sat on the opposite side of the bed from him before eyeing the engagement ring on her finger. "How do you live with yourself, knowing that you killed someone?" she said, breaking the awkward silence.

"When you been through what I've been through, I guess you get used to it. I've never been proud of myself for killing anyone, but sometimes it just needs to be done," he replied.

"Paris I watched a man die tonight, and not just any man. He was somebody I grew up with. He's dead because I set him up. I'm not that kind of person, and it makes me feel sick to my stomach."

"Baybeh he's dead because I killed him, because I was jealous and angry. When I saw you about to kiss that nigga, I almost lost my f*cking mind. I was so angry that you went behind my back and put yourself in danger when I've been trying to keep you from that sh*t. It's not your fault, and I'm sorry you had to see that side of me. That was my nigga, you think I wanted to kill him?"

"I don't know."

"Wow, so you just think I be out here killing niggas?"

"I don't know what you be out here doing, who f*cking knows. After what I saw tonight, it ain't no telling what you do!"

He scoffed. "That's how you feel?"

She felt herself starting to tear up again. "This isn't for me Paris. I love you so much, I really do, but look at all we've been through with each other. And you mean to tell me I'm supposed to be dealing with this for the rest of my life?! No, I can't."

They were now standing in each other's faces, so much tension was in the room.

"So what are you saying Kim," he asked, his heart was now pounding in his chest.

She looked down at the engagement ring again before sliding it off her finger. "I can't do this anymore."

He shook his head before chuckling . "Kim put the ring back on."

"No, I c-"

"Kim put the f*cking ring back on!" He yelled, making her jump as tears filled the brim of his eyes.

"I'm sorry," she said, placing the ring on the bed and walking past him.

As soon as he heard the door close, he let his tears fall.

Excuse mistakes and typos!

Sorry for the long wait, but since we on lockdown I'll be updating a lot more!

Do y'all want the new book now or later ?

Yours Truly,

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