❤ Chapter 27 ❤

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*Ryan's POV*

I lay down on my bed, exhausted after a long day. Since I'm not sharing my room with anyone, I could do whatever I want here-even if it means masturbating hehe. I shut my eyes close but the constant moaning kept me from dozing off.

Argh, such inconsiderate people.

I left my room and searched for the source of the disgusting moaning. It led me to a room, not just any room. It's YN's room. I placed my ear onto the door and tried to eavesdrop on whatever sounds were being made inside.

"Uhh, Justin! Fuck! Faster, baby!" I heard a moan. YN.

"I'm going faster and deeper, babe. Damn you're so fucking hot," a boy's hoarse voice said. Justin.

Do you hear that?

Yeah, that's my heart shattering into millions of pieces. Fuck jealousy. Fuck feelings. Why must I keep getting heartbroken?

Trying to hold back my tears-I'm a guy and there is no way I'm gonna cry here-I ran back to my hotel room which wasn't located that far. I slammed the door behind me and balled my fists. I cannot bear this anymore. Why can't I just move on from YN? Why must shit always happen to me? For once, I thought that she actually had feelings for me but I was wrong.

Without hesitation, I punched onto the wall as hard as I could several times. I didn't care if my knuckles were already bleeding because I needed to feel that satisfying feeling of pain and pleasure. Punch, punch, punch, punch...

"Ryan? Is everything okay?" Someone knocked on my door. I didn't feel like talking since I was angry like a bull so all I said was "Fuck off." The door opened and there stood Chaz, appalled by the blood all over my hands. Seriously, I look like as if I have murdered someone.

"Ryan! What happened to you?" he rushed towards me as he gingerly grabbed my hands, examining the bleeding cuts on them. I just kept quiet since I didn't want to tell him about how YN and Justin have been "making love".

"It's about YN, isn't it?" My eyes nearly popped out. I looked up at him, maybe too quickly. How did he know that I have feelings for YN even though I have never told him before?

Chaz sighed. "C'mon. Let's wash these cuts first." He brought me to the bathroom and took out a first-aid kit from one of the cabinets that was already provided for guests.

Chaz washed away the blood with the running water from the tap and I winced in pain. Next, he placed some antiseptic lotion thingy onto the injuries and lastly, he bandaged both my fists. I never knew Chaz actually knew how to do all these kinds of medical things.

I muttered a "thank you" but it was still loud enough for him to hear it. We left the bathroom and sat on the edge of my bed, sighing.

"I'm sorry," Chaz began, "about YN being with Justin."

I shook my head before covering my face with my hands. I'm such a messed-up person.

"You know what I think? I think you should be happy for YN because she is happy being with Justin. I know it's hard to let go of someone whom you have had such strong feelings for a long period of time, but what I'm trying to say is that you should move on. You don't deserve a person like YN who couldn't see how much effort you put in just to catch her heart."

"I'm not a professional love guru of any kind. But sooner or later, you will find that perfect someone for you-though I think that 15 is still quite a young age. And that someone will take good care of your heart, treat you well and provide you with sufficient amount of love and affection. Has YN ever done that to you? So what makes you think that she IS the perfect girl for you when she truly is meant for Justin? Have you ever thought of that?" Chaz continued. I finally realised that his mini speech has knocked some sense into me.

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