04. Sanity Credible

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"The skies have finally seemed to decide which weather they want." Henry, my brother, turns back from his neighing horse towards me.

My hand spreads across the mane of the horse, as it bends down, nibbling at the grass.

The sun now encases the entire verdure inside and outside of Edenfield with a lambent glow.

Even though, the glow is as delicate as a candle flame amidst a windy field.

We are now outside the stables connected to our home. Five horses remain in their wooden sheds-- consuming their hay-- while two horses are with Henry and me.

My horse lets out a roar of a neigh-- making my hand run down on its mane again.

Henry loops his boot within the saddle's stirrup to hoist himself up in one swift launch. Clicking his heels and holding onto the reins, he looks down at me, quite literally.

Shaking my head at the coyness, I hold both sides of the saddle and pull myself up.

"Hah!" Henry pulls at his reins-- horse rising-- and canters into the green cloaked roads. He looks back at my pulling mine steadily and laughs, before disappearing into a narrow turn.

"Wait, lad." My hands pull at the reins. The horse blows a sigh-- moving to and fro in the small distance.

The echo of Henry's hoofs become fainter and fainter, as mine grow clamour more and more.

Smiling, I let my horse merely walk in its own pace; even though, it may not need it.

A noise resounds in the forested silence.

My ears strain at deciphering what it is.

Nothing answers.


This change, however, makes my head turn about at my surroundings.

I am now near the east.

Not unfamiliar, but unexpected...

Then footsteps rustle on the ground.
"Doctor Knightley?"

My hands pull at the reins to the side-- telling the horse to stand on the left-- and eyes widen.
"Miss Penrose?"


The woman looks at me with a finger touching the corner of her lips-- nodding. A peacock blue cloak wraps her person, while gripping a crocheted bag in one hand.

Sliding from the saddle, my boots crunch a few leaves beneath.
"May I ask the reason of this pleasurable coincidence?"

"I was coming back from the shop I work at."
Light bags scar the skin beneath her brown eyes. Still she smiles.
"And you, sir?"

"My brother," my head turns to the direction where Henry must be and adjust my statement,
"And I have a few errands."

Miss Pemrose leans ahead. A smile comes onto my face, as she places a hand parallel to her forehead.
"Perhaps your brother is a ghost Doctor, for I cannot see him. But I shall consider your sanity credible."

"Thank you for the reassurance, madam," I laugh.

A few moments pass, my horse sighing and Mathilda Penrose moving the basket to and fro till she finally places it on the ground.

My head tilts, but then it realises its indiscretion.
"I hope your mother is now well."

"She is in good spirits. Only after your medicine."

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