16. Sky Red and Threatening

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"Someone seems to be in a hurry." A voice stops me as I pass the corridor.

"I just happen to be as tall as a Brobdingnagian, hence even long strides look like hurriedness."
Turning around, I find Isabelle next to her vase of white chrysanthemums in the library.

She sews the stems together into one embroidered bouquet, spilling out delicately.

Isabelle only rolls her eyes at my saying so.

I press my hands behind my back, deciding to take the smaller route by the staircase. This grail staircase connects both floors of the household library.

My mouth presses inwardly and onto the flesh.

Seems as though Henry hasn't told her. Yet.

Good... good...

Though, as soon as my foot touches the step, Isabelle says,
"You know, one really should be more discreet when he doesn't cast off for three dances."

Suppressing the urge to hit my head against the grail, I say while facing her,
"So Henry's told you."

Isabelle grins, her hands on her waist.
"Every single detail."

She then plucks one of her flowers again.
"And I expect to be the maid of honour at your ceremony."

My jaw drops while Belle continues to fret over the chrysanthemums.
"Excuse me--"

She then stops. And taps her chin.
"But then again, Miss Mathilda may have a dear friend or sister she may want as the maid of honour. In that case, I'll be content with being the bridesmaid.
I just hope Wilhelmina doesn't bite your trousers that day."

Cringing at hearing Wilhelmina's actions, I take a few steps further. But then my head tilts to the side.
"Well, she does have a sister and a friend she often talks about."
Then my arms flail about.
"But when did you become a wedding planner! You never liked going to one."

I put my left hand on my waist, while Isabelle waves her own at me.
"Oh, the idea of siblings' weddings seems far more enjoyable than strangers'. Besides, this household is severely lacking in females!" She folds her arms against her dark jacket, still grinning.
"People complain about not having a single brother and I have two oafs!"

Rolling my eyes, I give her a graceful bow while swirling a hand again.
"Thank you for the compliment, Lady Isabelle of Edenfield."

Belle gives me a curtsey, clicking the heels of her outdoor shoes.

The banging of a cane closely follows.
Grandmother Penelope inspects the both of us with a heightened chin.
She looks up and down at my fencing gear.
"Which continent are you going to conquer in the library?"

"The continent of medicine and fencing." I give Grandmother a quick bow.
"The staircase connects to the upper floor where the fencing court is."

A small smile teases Grandmother's mouth before vanishing the next moment.

I shrug, as Isabelle picks up a book from the table with chrysanthemums.

Grandmother turns to her,
"Where are you off to?"

"Mother wants to visit Mrs Agatha at Manoir de la Paix, the Ingrams' household. And naturally, I'm accompanying her."

Grandmother Penelope slowly nods, eyes still focused on Belle's book.
"Ah yes, Stelle told me about it during breakfast."

Grandmother's gaze narrows at the book, and I only keep switching my gaze between her and a still smirking Isabelle.

"Have you read Mary Wollstonecraft, Grandmother? Evanna and I adore her work." Isabelle plunges the book's back at our Grandmother's paling face. Belle pulls the book away, while I put a hand on my mouth, hiding the chuckles.

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