21. A Worthwhile Assignment

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"Thank you for coming with me, Edmund." Edmund and I walk through the crowded streets of the East End, smog being our companion.

Edmund looks at me from the corner of his eyes and nods.
"It was my duty, sir."
He glances around us and runs his fingers against the silver ring in his middle finger.
"Do you know exactly where we ought to be?"

I run a hand through my hair.
"Oliver said it was the local church's graveyard...
I'm hoping to find a crowd of somewhat familiar people to guide us."

Edmund nods and goes on about with his staring.

After Oliver's news and the encounter with Isaac Crimley, I requested Edmund to come with me. Even my conscious doesn't know why I requested when the butler asked about the dark circles under my eyes.

"Sins of the fathers..."

"Sometimes, I think my own deeds..."

Church bells blare across the noisy streets, almost making me cover my ears with my hands.
Screwing my eyes open a final time, I head towards the sound with the rest.

Dozens have already gathered outside the small verdure outside the church, all of them in black.

Like Edmund and me.

Edmund's eyes keep wandering around the graveyard, pasting themselves on the stone with names.
"One would think I'd get used to all of this by now, especially..."

"Especially?" I raise a brow, as we we keep walking.

"If you live as long as I have." Edmund brushes his fingers against the silver ring on his right middle finger.

As soon as we near the crowd, the sky rumbles ahead, but no one, at least in the immediate circle, pays heed.
A pastor stands behind the gravestone, as the casket is lowered down by people unrecognisable by me.
By people who knew Jacob Trevor better.
By people for whom his absence leaves behind a scar.
Not by people like me. Not by those who weren't able to help.

My back hits the lamp post, while arms cross against my chest.
Then I notice someone.

Mathilda stands with a small girl, holding her hand. She whispers something to the girl and the latter giggles.

A smile threatens to break in the gloom, making me turn to the other side:
Mrs Trevor stands on the side with several other women of her age. They whisper soft nothings to her while her focus seems to be in a locked away memory. Mrs Penrose puts a shawl around Mrs Trevor.

Edmund flicks his head at me, gesturing to go ahead.

I roll my eyes.
"What will my condolences do?"

Edmund brushes his hands against his coat and says,
"If they didn't matter, then why would they invite you?"

A sigh escapes me.

"At least try, lad..." Edmund puts his hands on his hips in the exact same manner he's been doing since the dawn of time.

"That sigh meant that I'm going with heavy steps, Edmund."
My lips press into a straight line, walking towards the mother.

Meanwhile, stormy clouds cake the skies, grumbling with every slap of the wind.

After seeing me, a few women part ways from Mrs Trevor, allowing my space. Even Oliver takes a few steps back, looking at the ground.

The words of a few men nearby catch my attention.

"Heard they were gonna have a priva'e wedding because of the boy's health. Didn' even get the chance ter do that."

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