35. Sunlight and Shadows

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Silence hangs in the air like a ghost, the same silence Belle alluded to a few days ago.
Even though that same silence is what is expected during meals, it leaves a restless tint by its pointed inattentiveness.
Sunlight strides through the window panes, casting dull rays through into the dining room.

Henry and Isabelle merely tap at their breakfast, while my parents would rather pay attention to the silverware at the moment.

I tug at Henry's shoe under the table with my own. He sighs, but understands the hanging stiffness.
Henry puts a handkerchief on his mouth, whispering:
“We may go to the Ingrams today, that is all.”

My mouth opens, forgetting manners, but Father raises a brow,
“Boys, I can't believe Belle is more well behaved than you two this morning.”

Isabelle looks up, grinning at the two of us.

Meanwhile Mother shakes her head, as a servant pours her another cup of tea.

They don't pay attention as Isabelle leans into her seat and kicks at my ankle.
An Oi! almost escapes me, while Henry rolls his eyes.

But my attention turns to Edmund walking into the room.
After Father's nod at his greeting, Edmund says,
“Shall I prepare the carriage for your visit to the Ingrams?”

“Yes.” Father stirs in his seat, now turning to Henry,
“Henry, please do accompany me.”

Henry nods stiffly, while Isabelle brushes her fingers against the sleeve of her Lady Eleanor Holles uniform.

Mother asks for the plates and table to be sorted. Meanwhile I am the only one tilting my head at this proposition.
“But what’s the matter?”

Father looks at me for the first time during this week. Something about him seems stiff, like he expects me to know more. Or perhaps better. Edmund stands by his side, becoming a gap in between sunlight and shadows
“Is not your work more important at the moment?” Father glances at the clock. My shift will be starting soon.
He dismisses me with the same wave he has been using for the past five years.

What in seven hells actually happened right now?

What in seven hells actually happened right now?

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My day at the hospital almost goes by in a wink. Only the routine work happens: rounds, assuring a patient that boils do not lead to life threatening cholera, Doctor Jennings thrashing every medical and house officer for the slightest bit of error.
Even Doctor Hopkins and Sister Greta remain solemn in their wards because of the influx of patients.
Throughout the day, the shadow of earlier conversations keep playing in my mind.

I’m about to go to the cafeteria with a few other doctors, but then a peon stops me.
“Doctor, there's a constable asking for you. I had him seated in your office.”

Only Harvey would come like this...

I call back to the three medical officers, Jonathan, Caleb and Daniel, waiting for me at some distance.
“You lot go ahead. I shall join you in a few moments.”

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