07. Whirl of Time

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"Oh I won't charge ye, ma'am."

"No need, lad, no need."

A man stands with his carriage-- horse neighing-- and talking to an elderly woman heaving and sitting on a barrel.
The man rotates his bowler hat around, leaning down a bit. His gloves are torn at the sides.

"No, Jacob," Mrs Penrose says, her breaths becoming more ragged. She then turns and spots me nearby.
"Oh Doctor! Fine morning it is today!"

"It really is."
Ignoring the smog in the air, I agree and shake hands with Jacob Trevor.

"Sir, you seem like a person of sense to me. Please help me convince Mrs Penrose here." Mr Trevor frowns and runs a hand on his horse's mane.

Mrs Penrose strikes her cane on the ground.
"No! I need to do some more shopping. This old bag of bones can at least do that!"
She stands up and sways to one side too much, till Mr Trevor and I steady her.

"Not recommended in this condition, ma'am.
Doctor's orders." I smile.

"And I'll buy your stuff later, ma'am. Don't you worry.
And the ride's free of cost." Mr Trevor nods, rubbing the smudge of dirt from his face.

Mrs Penrose sighs,
"You all have surrounded me like the plague."

Without any further protests, she sighs and steps into the carriage.
"But I shall pay you back in the future." She then turns to me.
"And you shall come to my home. I'm not letting you off without some proper tea."

"There is no need--"

"Nonsense! I may be old, but I know how to treat a doctor.
You can sit with Jacob here." Without anything further, she shuts the withered door of the carriage.

Mr Trevor climbs onto the double rider seat and pats the area next to him.
"Sorry about that."

Shaking my head, I step into the seat next to Mr Trevor as he pulls the reins.

He coughs and bends down to scratch his leg.
Mr Trevor then looks at me apologetically.

I pat his shoulder.
"The smog can be harsh."

He laughs.
"The smog and that mad dog that bit me a few days ago."

I almost choke and blame the smog.
"Mad dog, you say?"

Mr Trevor coughs again, his hand going over to the wedding band I didn't notice before.
"No thing ter worry about. My Mamma's tonic helped a lot."

Domestic tonics will be the death of me...

"Ah yes, but I am sure a checkup will be helpful." I nod, as his shoulders slump a bit till I amend,
"And checkups are not that expensive. You may want to be assured before your wedding."

His shrouded eyes look brighter, but questioning. My own point to his wedding band and he nods.
"Really persuasive, you are. But I'll consider."

I hope so...

"Bread. Bread for sale!" A vendor calls out, showcasing the few loaves on his wooden stall. A woman sits by his side-- becoming a statue of boredom behind the stall.

Someone's laugh rattles, the kind of laugh that makes even children turn the other way.

A group of men stand next to each other with a bottle in their hands.
One of them more familiar than the other.

Jacob Trevor sighs at them and pulls the reins.

"Do you know any of them?" I ask.

"Everyone in these parts does, Sir." Mr Trevor's brows furrow.
"Isaac Crimley, he was the one who laughed the loudest. Some scum who makes decent folk's lives miserable."

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