26. Forever a Vow

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“Why didn't you tell me this sooner?” I blink, back against my table.

Edmund rolls his eyes,
“Because you ran outside afterwards, and it is impolite for a butler to shout his master's name. And it isn't my fault you never mentioned the Penroses to me.”

“Very courteous, you are,” I sigh. My room stays in its usual arrangement: everything in perfect order because of the workers and a mountain of reference medical books on my table.
But today, a novel along with a few magazines sit on that table.

Edmund shakes his head.
“And I reiterate, your father and Walter Penrose were business partners. Knightley Industries was, at one time, called Knightley and Penrose Cooperation.”

“Walter worked with your father at the offices. Their companionship soon came to an end after Percival Knightley found out about Walter Penrose's drunkard habits.”

He was right about that part… but the wording...

Crimley’s words ring in my ears, as Edmund rubs his chin.
“Though, even if there was any correspondence between them after Penrose sold his shares, your father never told me about it.”

My eyes narrow.
“Even if you knew, I doubt you’d tell me anything more than what you just did.”

Edmund shrugs.
“I don't tell your father your secrets, nor do I tell you his.”

My arms fold across my chest.
“You act like my father and I are an arsenal of secrets.”

His bored demeanor changes, as he chuckles lightly.
“That's because you two are. And this makes my contract with you two all the more enjoyable.”

Wind rattles the window, a slight frown coming onto my face.
I look back at Mathilda's book, “Forever a Vow”.
She has one completed novel, while another is currently being serialised.
Sighing, I pick up the book.

I bought these thinking I might understand her better...
Especially after what almost happened a few hours ago.

My index and middle fingers touch my lips.

Edmund doesn't comment on the action, only turns and opens the knocking door.
He steps to the side-- my focus on the book still-- when an adolescent strides in.

“Matthew…” Isabelle starts.

“May we talk later if there isn’t anything important?” I say, not lifting my eyes.

“Matthew!” The book almost falls from my grasp, but I manage to put it back on the table.

Isabelle has her hands on her waist.

Edmund takes this as a cue to slide away and close the door.

Thank you for the moral support, Edmund Henley.

I put the book away with one last glance before turning to my sister.
“What, Isabelle?”

“'What Isabelle', he says,” Isabelle mumbles loudly.

“You know, I can hear you.” I flick a hand at her, one supporting my weight against the table.

Isabelle folds hers across her chest. “If only you would notice quite as well.” She looks around at the spotless room and then at the table

“What haven't I noticed?” I say, trudging towards my bed and sitting on its side. My posture lazes as soon as it hits the bed.

“You really don't know about me nor Henry these days, don't you?” Isabelle sighs.

“So many half truths have been spoken Mr Knightley, that they all seem like lies now.”

I stand upright, shoulders straightening. “What about you two? Is that girl from your school bothering you again? Has your music teacher become too stern again?
Has Henry been taking his medications properly? Is he out of breath again? Is he--”

“One moment, please.”
Isabelle holds up a finger, ice protruding through her eyes at me. “I'm fine, but Henry…”

Henry always got too tired after any physical exertion for as long as I can remember. Even his health and weight were and are not that of someone born with privileges. We were never able to understand, till Doctor Hopkins suggested something, something we all were worrying about. Medical examinations were done accordingly and the suggestion was what we all feared.

Henry had— has a congenital heart defect.

Necessary arrangements were made and medications were brought in, but they only gave us the hope of his betterment.
His ailment was the reason why he studied at a day school, rather than joining me at Harrow.

“Mama and Papa are always discussing, whispering to each other these days. And Henry… I don’t think they've noticed, but he's been more withdrawn than usual. He just seems somewhere else.”
Isabelle takes a deep breath, calming herself. My palms start sweating.
“I thought maybe you could talk to him. He says he's fine when I do… but I thought maybe you two being of the same sex may help him open up… I always find talking to Evanna about personal matters so much easier…”
Isabelle keeps clenching and unclenching her fists till she tucks them in front of her pale blue dress.

“I, I understand. I shall ask him right away.” Striding forward, I walk past her shoulder. But then stop and ruffle her hair.
“Thank you for telling me, Belle.”

Isabelle grumbles, sitting on my bed and wrinkling its sheets just like I would.
“Thank you for assuring me that men care for something other than their foot size.”

My eyes widen. “Belle…”

She waves a hand.
“Oh, it's an innocent observation. You and Henry care for your shoes so much.”

Mostly, there's nothing innocent when it comes to you.” The corner of my mouth quirks up, but only for a moment.

Isabelle pouts, the same blue eyes as mine looking back at me.

Shaking my head, I mess with her dark hair one more time— she grunts— and stride to my younger brother.

Oh and one thing about the Victorian publishing industry:Books were often serialised in monthly or weekly magazines, before they were later compiled into a single novel with all episodes

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Oh and one thing about the Victorian publishing industry:
Books were often serialised in monthly or weekly magazines, before they were later compiled into a single novel with all episodes.
And almost everyone followed this method, even writers like Charles Dickens.

Also, I wonder what's bothering Henry 😏
And what is "Forever a Vow" about? 😏😏😏

Oh, before I forget, I'll be updating on Tuesdays AND Fridays during August.
We'll see if I can continue doing that once uni opens 😂(which is unlikely)

Don't forget to vote! ❤️

Have a great day!
MS Zame

P. S. I finished the Night Circus and OMG MY HEART 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️👌👌

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