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"Dammit. Why does it always have to be fuckin' three in the morning?" A exhausted CC was lying across the back seat of Jake's car. 

Jake had picked him and Ashley up and they were heading to Jinxx's place to meet up with him and Andy and then load up on the bus.

"CC, you ask the same damn question every tour," Ashley sighed from the front passenger seat with his feet crossed on the dashboard, his arms crossed over his chest, and his head hanging back as he rested his sore eyes with his cowboy hat covering his face and five-o-clock-shadow, "And the answer is never gonna change. We. don't. know."

CC rolled over onto to his back with a groan, "Jesus."

"Relax, CC," Jake spoke up as he turned left into Jinxx's neighborhood, "Once we head out we can go to sleep."

"I hear ya, but still, three-o-clock is just fuckin' damn ridiculous," CC forced himself to sit up in the seat.

Ashley dozed off until Jake woke him up when they parked in Jinxx's driveway to find Andy's car already there.

Ashley forced himself to get out of the car and stretch a little in the chilly morning air.

They each grabbed their bags and climbed onto the bus.

"Hey, guys," Andy greeted them with a smile. He was on his second energy drink to stay awake.

"Hey," Jinxx sat next to Andy while scrolling through Twitter on his phone.

"Hey," The three newcomers said.

"We'll be right back," Ashley said as he headed to the back room where he and CC always slept with CC right behind him.

CC went to his bunk while Ashley turned to his. He thought it was weird that the curtain was pulled to.

He opened it and jumped a little to find someone there, "Shit."

He saw a girl fast asleep in his bunk curled up under the covers and hugging a spare pillow to her.

Her skin was fair and smooth. She had long thick hair that was such a deep brown that it was almost black. From what Ashley could tell she was shorter than him and rather dainty.

"Whoa," CC looked over Ashley's shoulder to see what had startled him.

Ashley pulled the curtain closed. "Ummm," Ashley went to front lounge with CC, "Andy, Jinxx, why's there a chick asleep in my bunk?" Ashley pointed back over his shoulder.

"Oh, that's Eathyn," Jinxx answered, "She's the new guitar tech. There wasn't enough bunks on the crew's bus so she has to bunk with us."

"Yeah. Sorry Ash, we forgot to tell her that the back room was your and CC's space," Andy bit into a muffin.

"Just make her move, Ashley," Jake said.

"Nah, I'm not gonna bother her," Ashley told him, "It's not that big of a deal. I'll take the bunk underneath." He turned to CC, "Looks like we'll be sharing the space, Ceeses."

CC shrugged, "I don't mind. Do you?"

"It's whatever," Ashley stated. 

"It won't be whatever when you want to fuck a girl, Ashley," Andy smirked. Ashley pouted making the others laugh.

Then a voice spoke up from behind groggily, "Are you guys always this loud in the morning?"

Ashley turned to see their new bunk mate in a white tank-top and a pair of white night shorts leaning against the door frame of the tiny hall with her arms crossed over her chest. She wasn't too much shorter than Ashley but she was indeed dainty. Her hair grazed her hips. She had tattoos on each arm and leg along with one on the side of her neck. 

Ashley's mouth went agape a little. He whispered in awe when Eathyn looked at him, "Holy shit..."

Her left eye was a bright golden hazel and her right eye was an ice cold sapphire blue. 

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