Watch Yourself

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The first few shows went off without a hitch. The boys were satisified with Eathyn's hard work.

They were a little skeptical at first about putting such a big and crucial job in the hands of a person they didn't know. 

Eathyn was nice but quiet. She hardly talked at all...Until she got pissed.

One night she was changing the strings on Ashley's bass and overheard him talking to some groupies. All blond, pretty, slutty, and fake.

Eathyn rolled her eyes as the girls walked away while smiling and waving at Ashley. Ashley waved back.

"I wonder who will be the "fuck n forget" tonight," Eathyn muttered to herself.

Ashley frowned and went over to her. "Excuse me?" Ashley stood over her.

"Oh c'mon, Purdy," Eathyn stood up for her to come to his chest, "We both know that the pretty fuckable sluts are the whole reason that you're in a band. You play and sing while slyly picking out your prey during the show then find her afterwards. You fuck her then throw her away. It's just what you do. And I bet you can't remember the names of the last three chicks you fucked, can you?"

Ashley glared at her, "Who the hell do you think you are?"

"The person that's not blinded by your pretty face and deceiving charm," Eathyn told him, "You go party, surround yourself with women, and get drunk-laid. You're more interested in doing that than being the professional that you led the guys to think you are. You always boast on how decently you treat people." She crossed her arms over her chest then smirked, "But then again I guess you have to in order to keep that so-called positive image of yours going, huh?"

She began to walk past him as the guys entered the room.

"Get your ass back here," Ashley growled as he grabbed her arm only for her to turn on him and punch him straight in the nose.

Ashley let go of her and backed away as he held his bleeding nose. Little tears of pain were in his eyes.

She just broke his nose.

"HEY!!" Andy shouted as he and the others ran over.

"What the hell, Eathyn?" CC asked her after he saw the state of Ashley's face.

"Keep your fuckin' hands off of me, you prick," Eathyn snarled at Ashley with a dangerous glint in her eyes. Ashley watched her shove past Jinxx and Jake and storm out of the room.

Jake moved to go after her only to have Jinxx stop him, "Let her go, Jake, unless you want to end up in the ER too."

Andy went to tell their manager they had to call off the concert and get Ashley to the ER.

Ashley hissed, "Damn bitch." 

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