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Ashley was in a bad mood. First someone took some of his Jack Daniel's that he had been saving for a while. Now he noticed Eathyn was slacking during soundcheck.

"God, Eathyn," He frowned, "It won't kill you to hurry up." 

Eathyn glanced at him but said nothing and conitued to work at her previous pace.

Ashley left his bass near her for her to change the strings before leaving for the band's interview.

When he came back she was in the middle of changing the strings. She had cut three of her finger pads on the sharp ends of the strings.

"Clumsy ass," Ashley sneered, "What's the matter? Did you forget how do the simplest part of your job? How useless can you get?"

"Ashley!" Andy snapped at the bassist.

"What?!" Ashley looked at Andy with a growl.

"That's enough," Andy snarled at him, "You've been an asshole to her all morning for no fuckin' reason. She hasn't done anything wrong. Leave her alone already."

"Yeah," Jinxx agreed with Andy, "Back off, man."

Eathyn stood up. Ashley saw her bottom lip quivering. She looked up at him to show that she was fighting back tears. A few ran down her cheeks.

Eathyn shoved Ashley's bass into his chest with the strings unfinished. She walked past him and the others. She headed for the side stage exit.

"Hey, Eathyn, wait," Jake called after her.

"Eathyn, it's ok, you don't have to leave," CC told her.

Eathyn ignored them and walked out of the doors and let them slam closed behind her.

The others glared at Ashley. Ashley didn't say anything as he start to feel bad for what he said.

"Jesus, Ash," Andy crossed his arms over his chest in disapproval, "It's bad enough Eathyn's sick and lost her voice. But did you really have to go and make her feel like trash on her birthday?"

"That was low, dude," CC stated.

"I didn't know any of that," Ashley sat down his bass in it's stand.

"It doesn't matter if you knew or not, Ashley," Jake told him, "Eathyn didn't deserve you talking to her like that."

Ashley felt his heart sink in guilt. He had really done it now. 

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