"The Outsider"

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"Panda," Eathyn called to Ashley as she entered the dressing room to see Ashley doing his makeup.

"Panda," Eathyn called to Ashley as she entered the dressing room to see Ashley doing his makeup

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He looked at her in the mirror with a grin, "'Panda', really?"

Eathyn hugged him around his slim waist and smiled at him in the mirror, "What? I told you that you look like an adorable panda in your warpaint." She looked up at him and kissed his cheek, "Hence the little panda sitting on my pillow."

Ashley laughed, "Fair enough." He smiled down at her. She was dressed like a sexy Goth angel as always. He just stared admiringly at her.

Eathyn giggled, "Earth to Ashley."

Ashley blinked and came back to reality. He smiled, "I was just adoring you and how beautiful you look today."

Eathyn blushed, "You say that everyday."

"Exactly," Ashley said. "Because you are, every fuckin' day, baby girl," He whispered next to Eathyn's mouth then kissed her.

"Thank you," Eathyn blushed at him.

"You don't have to thank Daddy for the truth," Ashley caressed her bottom lip with his thumb. Eathyn's whole face went red. She hid her face in Ashley's chest making him laugh. He rubbed her back, "Awww, baby, don't hide that adorable face from me."

Eathyn peeped up at him. Ashley winked at her making her blush more. He chuckled and kissed her head.


They got a day off finally. Eathyn sat reading on the couch as Ashley slept next to her with his head in her lap.

She gently took the control out of his hand and gave it to Jinxx

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She gently took the control out of his hand and gave it to Jinxx.

Jinxx and CC turned on Guitar Hero. They froze when they saw the high score. Someone had beat Jake's high score and knocked him out of first place: "DeadHeart"

"Jake," CC called him.

"Yo?" Jake came into the lounge.

"You might want to see this," Jinxx looked at him.

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