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Days later they all went to a local pub to have a bit of fun and get out of the hotel room.

Ashley and Jake sat at the bar laughing at CC being a drunk doofus on the karaoke machine.

Ashley felt his hair stand on end and his blood run cold when he heard an all too familiar voice and felt a manicured hand on his shoulder, "Hello, Ashley."

Ashley saw Jake's face cringe. He turned to see her blond and gorgeous as ever. "Victoria?!" Seeing her made him feel sick.

She smiled at him, "Hi, babe. Did you miss me?"


Eathyn came out of the bathroom and set out to find where Ashley went.

She turned around and froze when she saw Ashley next to a beautiful blond in a trampy bubblegum pink dress and heels. She hugged Ashley around the neck and kissed his cheek.

Ashley looked up in her direction and saw her. Tears started to build up in Eathyn's eyes then anger rushed through her blood.

She turned and started walking away. "Eathyn!" She heard Ashley call her name but ignored him.

Ashley pushed Victoria off of him and went after Eathyn as he rubbed the sensation of Victoria's kiss off his skin as if it burned.

Victoria scoffed, "What the hell, Ashley?"

Ashley ignored her. He caught up to Eathyn. "Eathyn," He grabbed her arm.

Eathyn turned to face him. "Let go of me!" She snapped at him and jerked her arm out of his hold.

"Eathyn, I know what you're thinking you saw but you're wrong," Ashley told her with Jake coming up behind him.

"And you're a fuckin' liar!" Eathyn growled, "And a cheater!"

"I wasn't cheating on you, Eathyn," Ashley told her getting angry.

"How stupid do you think I am, Purdy?!" Eathyn snarled.

"Eathyn, he did nothing wrong," Jake stated trying to calm things down, "Victoria was trying to get Ashley to take her back but Ashley wouldn't. She knew you two are together and was trying to cause this."

"And you're just standing up for him," Eathyn frowned at Jake. She looked back at Ashley who was fuming, "And I thought we were together too. I turn my back for one second and you try to get it on with your fuckin' ex?!"

Ashley couldn't believe this was happening. How could she not trust him?

"How can you not trust me?" Ashley rose his voice a bit.

"I did until I saw you let that whore hang all over you," Eathyn growled trying to hold it together, "And don't you dare raise your voice at me!"

"I can't believe you!" Ashley snarled, "How can you stand there and doubt me? You know I care about you, Eathyn. I wouldn't cheat on you!"

"That's just another lie! You don't care about anyone but yourself!" Eathyn shouted. She turned away from him and stomped away as fast as she could then it turned into her running out the door.

Ashley turned in the opposite direction and walked away.

"Ashley, what the fuck are you doing? Go after her!" Jake told him.

"No! Let her be a bitch! If she has a stick crammed so far up her ass to where she can't trust me then let her be that way. I don't want anything to do with it or her!"

"Ashley, you don't mean that," Jake said.

"Yes, I do," Ashley stated.

"No. You. Don't." Jake stopped him, "You're angry. You're not just angry about it...She hurt you by not believing you." Ashley just looked at him. Jake saw small tears in the Deviant's eyes. "Ash, if she didn't care about you or the relationship with you she wouldn't have reacted that way. You need to talk to her."

"You know she won't listen to me, Jake. She's just as hard headed as me...Victoria got what she wanted," Ashley stated starting to feel defeated.

"No, she didn't," Jake told him pulling out his phone. He texted Inna to find Eathyn and bring her back. Then he texted the rest of the band.  "You love Eathyn, don't you?"

"Yes," Ashley answered.

"Then we're not gonna let Victoria win," Andy said walking up with CC and Jinxx.

Ashley sighed, "What do you have in mind?"


Eathyn didn't want to be there but Inna had insisted that she should come back inside.

Inna had made her sit down at a table and told her to stay as she went to get some drinks.

"Victoria!!" Eathyn heard Ashley snarl angrily. Eathyn was sitting nearby and could hear them.

"Oh, back already?" Victoria turned to him with a innocent smile.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" Ashley growled. He had to remind himself to watch his temper. Eathyn slyly looked over her shoulder. Ashley's furious face became imprinted in her mind. She turned her head back around not being able to stand that look on Ashley's face.

"The woman who loves you, Ash," Victoria reached out to touch him.

Ashley stepped back, "BULLSHIT!!" He slammed a fist down on the bar, "You never loved me! You used me!" He bit his lip and told himself, "Don't lose it. Don't lose it." He snarled at her, "You just can't stand the thought of me ever being happy. And now that I am you jumped at the chance to ruin it."

"Oh, Ashley," Victoria cooed, "You know that little thing can never make you truly happy." She said referring to Eathyn.

"You leave Eathyn out of this," Ashley snarled lowly in warning. Eathyn shuddered; she could feel the anger radiating off of him. Ashley noticed her, but resisted the urge to go to her. He hated that he was scaring her.

"She's more of a woman than you'll ever be," He growled at Victoria, "You're just a damn slut that'll fuck and use anyone if it means money and fame."

Victoria looked at him shocked, "Ashley!"

"Leave, Victoria," Ashley told her, "And never come near me or Eathyn again or I swear to God you'll regret it."

Eathyn watched Victoria storm away angrily. Ashley turned his back and ordered a whiskey.

His anger seemed to vanish into thin air. Now he was just tired.

Eathyn felt her heart shatter and put itself back together with guilt. Ashley had told her the truth and she didn't believe him.

She went to Ashley and gently, yet cautiously, grabbed his hand. He turned and looked down at her as she looked at him with big sad eyes.

"Ashley, I..." She said with tears running down her face, "I'm so sorry." Ashley just looked at her. He gently pulled his hand out of her grip and turned away from her. "Ashley please," Eathyn sobbed.

"Leave me alone, Eathyn," He walked away from her with his glass of whiskey in hand.

"Ashley!" Eathyn called helplessly after him only for him to ignore her.

Eathyn turned around to see Andy looking at her. He looked at her with sympathy. He held out his arms to her. She went to him and hugged him.

Andy hugged her back tightly. "C'mon. Let's you get you back to the hotel," He told her softly.

Eathyn continued to cry, "What did I do, Andy?"

"It's gonna be ok, sweetheart," Andy told her lowly. He took her hand, "C'mon." Eathyn nodded and followed Andy as she wiped her eyes with her sleeve holding Andy's hand.

They went back to the hotel with Inna and Jinxx as CC and Jake stayed behind with Ashley.

Ashley had watched Eathyn and the others leave from a distance. So many things were rushing through his mind. He took a big sip of whiskey to silence it all.

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