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Ashley started a Instagram post. "Ok, so I was gonna play some videos games with these fuckers," He said showing CC and Andy on the other side of the living space of the bus then flipped the camera back around, "But then someone decided they wanted to be a sweet cuddly bear..." He showed Eathyn laying on his chest under a blanket. He lifted the blanket to show that she was fast asleep with her arms wrapped tightly around him, "...And fall asleep on my chest." He gave his signature adorable giggle and stopped the camera.

Ashley checked the time after a while. It was time for the band to get ready. He put his phone down and petted Eathyn's head. "Eathyn, baby, I gotta get up now," He told her waking her up gently.

"No," Eathyn whined sleepily hugging him tighter.

"We can cuddle later, baby," Ashley smiled. Eathyn whimpered. "Eathyn," Ashley giggled as Eathyn hugged him more. Eathyn looked at him with big puppy eyes and a stuck out bottom lip. Ashley hated when she did that; he couldn't resist when she made that face. It was so cute. He couldn't help but smirk, "We can cuddle later, darlin', I promise." He brushed her hair out of her eyes, "Be a good girl for me?"

"Kiss?" Eathyn asked softly with the look still on her face.

Ashley chuckled lightly and gave her a deep kiss. Eathyn kissed him back then let him up and sat on the couch.

Ashley stole another kiss and turned to go get ready. Eathyn smacked him on the butt. Ashley looked at her with a grin, "Alright, now."

Eathyn laughed. She got up to go get herself ready. She then found Ashley, "Ashley?"

"Yeah?" Ashley looked at her. He was just now finishing up his war paint.

The band was reviving Set the World on Fire so to speak and wearing their war paint again for the tour

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The band was reviving Set the World on Fire so to speak and wearing their war paint again for the tour.

"Can you do something for me?" Eathyn asked.

"Sure," He told her.

"Tell me how I look," Eathyn answered.

Ashley turned to her and his jaw dropped a little.

Eathyn had done her own war paint. She had sparkly smokey eye-shadow with big exaggerated cat-eye eyeliner and one black line on her right cheek and two on her left.

Ashley looked at her and smiled. He was happy that she wanted to take part in the band's concept. He went to her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her up against him with a sexy smirk. He purred huskily at her as he chewed his gum.

Eathyn blushed making Ashley chuckle lightly. "Does it look good?" She asked.

"It looks amazing," Ashley told her. Then he noticed something. She had a brown contact lens in over her blue eye to hide that her eyes didn't match. "Eathyn, why do you have that contact in, baby?" He asked gently.

Eathyn's face grew sad. She looked away, "I don't want to embarrass you."

Ashley grabbed her chin and made her look at him, "You could never embarrass me, baby girl. I love your eyes." He smiled softly at her, "Your eyes are beautiful. You're beautiful." Eathyn just looked at him. "Please, Eathyn. Please take the contact out? Please, for me, baby?" Ashley asked. Eathyn took out the contact reluctantly. Ashley smiled warmly at her and gently caressed her cheek, "There's my girl." Ashley kissed her on the forehead.

Eathyn smiled with a light sniffle. She looked at him and giggled lightly.

Ashley arched a brow at her with a grin, "What're you giggling about?"

She smiled at him, "You look like a cute little panda."

Ashley chuckled.


"Ashley!" Eathyn saw Ashley's Instagram.

"What?" He looked at her as they rode in the mini bus to the venue. He was a little startled by her sudden alarm.

"You showed me on Instagram?" Eathyn sunk into the seat in a ball.

"Yeah," He answered. "Why, what's wrong?"

"The Army," Eathyn brushed her hair back, "They're gonna hate me!"

"Don't be silly, baby," Ashley rubbed her arm comfortingly with a soft smile.

"They're gonna love ya, shortcake," CC looked at her over his shoulder with a grin.

"Don't worry about it, Eathyn," Andy told her, "Whether they accept you as Ashley's girl or not, you're still part of the family."

Eathyn whimpered.

"Baby," Ashley scooted closer to her and rubbed her knee, "It's gonna be ok. I'm sorry I posted it without telling you." Eathyn squeezed his hand. Ashley squeezed hers back.

"It's ok. I'm just nervous," She stated.

"I know," Ashley cooed, "But I promise, it'll be ok." He stopped her from reading the comments; he knew what she was looking for, any negativity against her. "No, no," He took the phone away from her.

"Ashley, give it back," Eathyn popped up and reached for it as Ashley held it out of her reach.

"Baby, listen to me," Ashley said, "It doesn't matter what the Army thinks." Eathyn looked at him with her little look. "It doesn't, because there's nothing wrong with you. It won't change the fact that you're my girl either. So, please, don't obsess over this and stay out of the comments for a while, ok?"

"Ok," Eathyn nodded.

"Promise?" He wondered arching a brow at her.

"I promise," Eathyn stated. Ashley gave her phone back and kissed her cheek. 

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