Head On The Pin

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Part Three

People cry not because they're weak

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People cry not because they're weak. It's because they've been strong for too long. ~Johnny Depp


Castiel knelt down to the demon's trap Alastair was once locked in, wiping his finger across the washed away paint that had been hit by water from a pipe above him.

After getting Dean hurt, the angel couldn't help but be curious about what happened. There was no way Alastair could have just escaped the devil's trap. Not without help at least. Ever since Uriel proposed that Castiel join his side, the angel was skeptical of what he's actually been fighting for.

In the middle of the torture room was the Star of David where Alastair was chained up. The cart that held the weapons Dean tortured him with were off to the side with a jug of holy water.

Castiel followed the dripping pipe to the water valve which was on a pillar. Using his telekinesis, he turned the valve causing the water to turn off with a squeak.

 Using his telekinesis, he turned the valve causing the water to turn off with a squeak

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The sound of wings flapping filled the angel's ears, Uriel appearing.

"You called?" The dark skin Angel walks over to stand in the broken Devil's trap.

He looked at Cas who didn't say anything. "What do you say, Castiel? Will you join me? Will you fight with me?"

"Strange." Castiel had a distant look in his blue eyes. "Strange how a leaky pipe can undo the work of angels when we ourselves are supposed to be the agents of fate."

Uriel's eyes shifted, feeling Castiel's gaze. "Alastair was much more powerful than we had imagined."

"No." Castiel objected. "No demon can overpower that trap. I made it myself." He was sure.

Fighter: Dean WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now