Jump The Shark

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Part Four

I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot

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I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot. Together we can do great things. ~Mother Teresa


Adam pushed open his house door, coming inside from under the yellow crime scene tape. While he went under, Dean just tore right through it, Sam and Nadia coming in behind the older Winchester who still in his FBI attire like Nadia.

"Grab your stuff." Dean instructed Adam. "We'll hit the road."

Adam flipped on the kitchen lights, leaving the three as he went upstairs to get his stuff. Sam sat at the kitchen table, letting out a pained sigh as he put his injured leg up on the chair next to him. "We shouldn't leave."

"Yeah, let's stay here, where the kid's mom got ganked," Dean replied sarcastically. "Good one."

Sam looked up at the older Winchester. "I'm serious."

"No, Sam, we're gonna take the kid, we're gonna drop him off at Bobby's, and then you, me and Nadia are gonna come back here and finish what Dad started." Dean walked over to the fridge, to look at the pictures and notes decorating it.

Sam took an ace band out of his pocket, "How? We got no leads, no witnesses. We do have what this thing wants."

"Sorry, I'm with Dean on this one," Nadia spoke receiving a scoff from Sam. "What, you want to use the kid as bait?" She asked him. "That's why you want to stay here?"

Usually, Nadia was into the whole sacrifice thing but not after Pamela. Adam had already lost both his parents, he didn't need to be in this mess.

Sam had that devious look in his eye. "Maybe this thing will come back. We could train Adam, get him ready."

Dean furrowed his eyebrows, turning to his younger brother. "He could die, Sam."


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