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Pony and I plopped down on the couch after a long day at school on Friday.

"Come play me something Sar," Ponyboy says.

"Why?" I ask playfully.

"Because I love to watch you. It seems like playing for you is the only time you are fully happy. I love seeing you like that too." He says and nuzzles his nose into my neck.

"Okay." I agree and get up. I have started  writing my own music recently, to pass time. So, when I sat down in from of the keys, I pulled out my new music from my back pocket. "This is a new song I wrote."

Swiftly, my fingers move over the keys. I do agree with Pony, I do feel the happiest playing. Next to him and the gang, it's the only thing that is positive in my life right now. I wrote the song to consistently change intensities, which I feel like I've achieved.

My song lasts for about five minutes; when I'm done I look over at Ponyboy on the couch, he's stunned. "That was amazing." He finally manages to get out.

"Thank you." I say, brushing a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"I just can't believe you wrote that." Pony is still stunned, "Have you entered any contests?"

"No I haven't," I say, "I usually can't afford the upfront fees."

"Oh," He smiles, "We will have to change that." Ponyboy then moves to sit on the bench with me when Sodapop came home.

"Hey guys." He says, "How was school?" Sodapop dropped out a few months ago. Pony says Soda did it because he thinks he's dumb. But he's not dumb, not at all. I was in some of the same classes as Soda, as I am very smart in math, and I got to know him very well because of it. I mean, I was over the Curtis' house everyday, so why not be project partners and his tutor? After his parents died, though, he took a full time job at the DX working with cars.

"It was fine." Pony says dully.

"That's it?" Soda responds, "You better get another answer 'fore Darry comes home."

"Yeah yeah." Pony says as Soda starts to get some pans out for dinner.

"How's chicken sound?" Soda asks.

"That sounds delicious but I better get going." I say.

"Aww really. That's too bad." Soda says. "Bye Sarah."

"Bye Soda." I turn to Ponyboy. "Bye." I kiss his cheek.

"Well wait a minute." Pony says. "I'll take you home." Ponyboy and I walk onto the porch. I suddenly remember the dream, our first kiss.

"Ponyboy I'll be fine." I say.

"No I want to. I want to meet your parents. You met mine ages ago." Pony's voice is persistent, yet a little shaky.

"No I don't want to cause trouble.."

He cuts be off. "What could be so bad that I you don't want me to see. Is it me, am I the problem?" He yells.

"No Pony." I say calmly. I feel Soda's eyes on me. "I just..."

"You just what? Huh Sarah?" Pony gets angrier by the second.

"Fine. C'mon." I say, giving in to him. I grab his hand and pull him down towards my van.

After a few minutes of walking, we walk past my fake house.  Ponyboy asks, "Isn't this it?"

"No Ponyboy. I've been lying to you for almost a year now." I admit.

"So where is it then?" He says. His tone has drastically changed over the course of our walk.

"I love you too, Ponyboy Michael Curtis." | The Outsiders StoryWhere stories live. Discover now