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"But why?" I whined. It's been a few days since I've seen Johnny in the hospital, Darry saying I am too weak. But my burns are healing up nicely on my arm, and I'm going to have a tuff scar on my face.

"Because your a girl. Girls don't fight in rumbles." Darry sternly answers. They were getting ready to meet Tim Shepard's gang and beat the Socs. It tired of all the fighting, but if anyone deserves it it's the Socs.

"Uhhh fine." I complain. "I grabbed some extra bandages and stuff for after so come home right after." I am a little bit worried about the fighting, after everything's that's happened. Especially Pony, he's not looking too good right now.

"C'mon!" Two-Bit yells and runs out the door. Pony's the last to leave, I kiss him and tell him I love him, then he leaves.

I have no idea what to do with myself while they're out fighting. Pony says that Cherry told him that the Socs agreed to no weapons. That makes me feel a little better, but any fighting makes me scared. These are my brothers, I don't want them to get hurt. I guess I can't tell them what to do though; they wouldn't listen anyway. It might be different for me, being a girl, but I hate fights so much.


"Okay Steve, all patched up." I say and pat him on the back. They won the fight with only a few battle scars each. I gave Darry a new formula for cuts on a cotton ball to try out, and Two's got a bandage on his face.

I turn to Soda, my last patient. "Hey Soda, anything?"

"I don't feel anything." He says. I gingerly touch the bruise on his cheek. He winces.

"It makes you look tuff." I say back and wink at him. I go back to my doctor attitude. "Lift up your shirt."

He lifts it up and I feel his ribs for any sprains or bruises. He giggles at me when I touch him. "You've got cold hands like a doctor too." I give him a look, then smile at him.

Suddenly Ponyboy walks through the front door. He looks tired and he's bloody. "Hey Pony where've you been?" Darry asks.

He hesitates. "Johnny's dead, and Dally's gonna blow."

A/N sorry for the short chapter! Next one will be out later today cause it's a little short too.

"I love you too, Ponyboy Michael Curtis." | The Outsiders StoryWhere stories live. Discover now