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The court hearing is today, and I'm very nervous. The butterflies in my stomach haven't ceased, from the time I woke up and got ready to the stroll to the Curtis house.

When I walk in, the house is totally quiet. The whole mood of the house is changed, from light and airy to nervous and a little gloomy. I shiver as I walk inside, not used to the change in feeling. "Hey!" I yell. I hear the shower running and the sound of someone shaving.

I walk over to the bathroom and take a peak. Darry's the one using his razor, and someone who I thought was Soda (because of the humming) was in the shower. I smile at Darry when he notices me. I walk away to look for Ponyboy.

I can't find him in the house, looking everywhere for him. I glance at the clock, it's 7 in the morning. The hearing started at 8, where is he? Then, I remembered where Pony's favorite spot is.

I walk to Soda and Pony's room and open their closet. Sure enough, the attic latter was down, and I felt a cool breeze brush past me. I start to climb the latter and find the window open when I get to the top. I find Pony, sitting on the side of the roof, admiring the last of the sunrise.

"Mornin'" I say.

"Mornin'" He copies. I crawl out of the short window and sit next to him. My hand finds its way to his, squeezing his palm.

He looks over and smiles. He kisses me on the forehead, pulling me closer so that I rest my head on his shoulder. He put his nose in my hair, I could feel his slow breaths against my scalp.

We don't talk anymore. It was an unspoken rule with us, watching the sunrise of sunset meant no talking. Just admiration and togetherness.

We sat up there for what seemed like hours, Pony holding me just right. When the sun moves to day and the beautiful pinks and oranges fade into light blue, we leave. Pony closes the window and puts the latter back up when we finish climbing.

"Let's go Ponyboy." Darry says. It's now time to leave. Darry hasn't said much leading up to the hearing, he was probably just as nervous as I was. I can't imagine how Pony must be feeling.


The court hearing went fantastic! Johnny and Pony weren't found guilty, and Pony gets to stay with Darry! I am overcome with happiness when I hear the news. The only bad part was Soda talked to me through the whole hearing, making it sometimes hard to listen. That was his way of dealing with his nerves, but was just a little annoying to me.

We all get into a group hug when Pony is allowed to leave. We were all ecstatic, smiling from ear to ear. That was a great day.

"I love you too, Ponyboy Michael Curtis." | The Outsiders StoryWhere stories live. Discover now