Meeting Her Friends & Family.

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- hayley constantly reassures you, as she can sense your nervousness.
- (despite your best attempts to hide it.)
- she'll comfort you as much as she can, by wrapping her arm around you.
- holding your hand + kissing your palms/knuckles.
- she gushes about you A LOT.
- which, in turn encourages you to speak up to ensure she receives the same compliments.
- she brings up things you may have in common with a certain friend/family member.
- to make you feel as comfortable as possible.
- she always tells jokes or acts silly just to make you laugh.
- always ensures that she sits next to you, wherever you happen to be.
- strokes your thigh or knee to calm you down.
- cause' your legs sometimes shake when you're anxious.
- before, finally kissing you on the cheek and whispering 'I told you they'd love you, you're the coolest person I know.'

Thank you all so much, for 500+ reads! I really do appreciate it. As always, prompts/requests are definitely welcome! ☺️
The next few chapters that I have planned are pretty special & I'm super excited to share them with you all.

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