Just full on dares

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Me: Welcome back to another truth or dare chapter. We still don't have any comments for any truths or dares, but that's why you people have me.

Cole: Oh great and I thought that you wouldn't make us do one of these again!

Zane: Cole don't be rude to our host

Me: Thank you Zane. And because of COLE'S rude remark this chapter is only DARES and I get to set them up!!!

All Ninjas: NOOOO

Me: Oh you bet it baby! I'm your host GraMaye here and this is Ninjago TRUTH OR DARE!!!!

Jay: You know what I am going to be positive on this show because I am a positive person and I love every human being on this earth

Nya: So does that mean you are cheating on me!

Jay: No, NO, no, NO I did not mean it like that you are the only person that I will let in my heart

Nya: I was just joking Jay * giggling*

Me: Alright the first dare goes to Jay

Jay: Okay hit me hard GraMaye!

Me: I dare you to eat a full bowl of Cole's chili!

Jay: Oh come on anything but that ANYTHING!!!

Me: *Snaps fingers to the kitchen with Cole* Alright Cole make your world famous chili

Cole: Great!!! * Starts making his Chili* Alright I am done 

Me: Great * Snaps fingers to go back to the room* Come on Jay you got to eat a full bowl of Cole's chili now 

Jay: R.I.P taste buds * Eats the whole bowl of chili and face turns green* Egggk   excuse me I need to go to the restroom * runs to the bathroom backstage*

Nya: Um... I am just going to check on him to see if he made it * Runs to find Jay*

Me: While we wait for the love birds to come back lets do another dare! Kai I dare you to read Jay x Nya fanfiction since we are on the love bird topic

Kai: Hang on. There's Fanfiction about my sister and my best friend???

Me: Yes

Cole: Before you go on any further, what kind of fanfic would that be???

Lloyd: Oh lord 


Kai: Just give me the laptop * Reads through the whole story*

*Nya and Jay walk into the room*

Nya: Hey what did we miss?

Kai: * Stands up from the chair and walks over too Nya pulling her away from Jay*

Nya: Um... Kai what are you doing?

Kai: If Jay if hurting you in any sort of way just tell me and we can just leave this city and go back to live with mom and dad

Jay: What was the dare again?

Zane: Kai had to read you and Nya's fanfiction, but GraMaye didn't tell us what kind * Staring Me in the eyes*

Nya: Kai you know the fanfic isn't real right?

Cole: We are going to be here for a while aren't we

* Everybody nods*

*** 2 hours later ***

 Me: Wow that was some long talk about just fanfic wasn't it

Lloyd: I think I might lose my lunch

Cole: Really because I'm starving got anything to eat around here?

Me: No , but we still have a couple dares to continue! Lets do Lloyd now shall we

Lloyd: Oh great now I might actually lose my lunch

Me: I dare you to dye your hair lime green for the next two chapters 

Lloyd: No why my hair I thought you could only do that to Kai!

Kai: HEY

Me: * snaps fingers turning Lloyds hair lime green*

Lloyd: * pouting * GREAT

Me: Next dare is for Zane. I dare you to freeze all the elemental masters that can not produce heat in this room

Lloyd: So that would be Me, Nya, and Cole right 

Me: Yep

Zane: I am deeply sorry my friends* freezes them *

Kai: * Starts to get mad* how long are they going to be frozen for!!!

Me: 30 more seconds 


* Kai and Jay unfreezes everyone *

Nya: Of all the elements I got I had to be the water ninja * shivering*

Cole: yeah, but lucky for me I could just rub 2 rocks together and I'll be warm as toast

Lloyd: Do ya got any blankets around here?

Me: No but we still got the other dares for Nya and Cole

Cole: Oh great and what are those

Me: Nya gets to do your makeup and you get to do hers

Cole: So its two dares in one

Me: Pretty much

Cole: Nya I am going to make you the most beautiful girl in Ninjago!

Jay: * Growls*

Nya: * Sneezes* So does that mean I am not beautiful

Lloyd: Oh here we go again

Jay: You better watch your words Cole she has the bite of a tiger

Cole: No I meant to say that I aaa I aaa.....

Nya: Cole I was just * Sneezes* kidding 

Cole: okay. Now where is the makeup GraMaye

Me: Right here* Makeup appears in her hands*

Nya: I am going to do yours first

Cole: Fine but don't make me look like someone from drop dead divas

Nya: Have you met me Cole 

Cole: Just put the makeup in me already

* 3 hours later *

Me: Wow this might be our longest show yet

Lloyd: I know I am not a kid anymore, but I think it might be past my bedtime

Kai: How long does it take just to do someone's makeup!

* Nya and Cole walks into the room with their full face of makeup*

Nya: I am going to have supper * Sneezes* bad acne tomorrow 

Kai: Nya you still sneezing?

Cole: Yep and lets just say it did not help when she kept doing it when I was doing her makeup

Jay: Alright if there is no more dares then that means we can go home right

Me: Yep and I think Zanes power went off during the break

Lloyd: Well who's carrying him home 

Cole: Fine I'll do it 

Me: And that is are show for today make sure to comments some truth or dares please and you could be a guest star on the show! Well Byes

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