Some Truths for once

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Me: Welcome back to another NInjago TRUTH OR DARE!!!! And today we have all the ninjas back with Lloyds hair still green and Cole can finally eat cake again!

Lloyd: It has been a week and this stuff will not come out

Cole: Well I'm happy I get my cake back

Kai: Can we give him a dare to not eat cake for the rest of his life cause that would be so very helpful

Me: Well we are only doing Truths today 

Nya: Really Why?

Me: Well lets just say I want each of you to ask two people a question about something and they have to answer no matter what, got it?

All: Got it

Me: And I am your host GraMaye and lets just get started with this. Everyone will ask Jay a question and he will have to answer it truthfully, got it?

Jay: Fine I got it

Me: Great let the truths begin!

Zane: I shall go first, Jay what is your favorite season?

Kai: What kind of question is that!?!

Zane: I just always wanted to know 

Jay: I thought I told you this already?

Nya: You only told me 

Jay: That's why, well for me my fav season is season 6 


Jay: Yes it is, it's a season of ninjago

Me: I get it Jay

Jay: Thank you 

Cole: ME NEXT ME NEXT, okay Jay are you still mad at me for the love triangle?

Jay: Yes and no, I told you I forgave you at Chen's Island, but it took like 2 years to get her back!

Cole: So that's a yes your still mad at me

Jay: Sure lets go with that

Lloyd: I'll go next, Jay back on the roof of the hospital where you kissed Nya or better yet when Nya kissed you how did that happen?

Nya: We are going to be here all day, Jay give him a shorter answer 

Jay: Well.. there was a evil djin who granted wishes I was being stupid and made a wish to be rich and a second one to not be alone with him. It wasn't until after Kai and Zane were captured in his Djin Blade that y'all found out about it, so you all got mad at me. We found a djins weakness of Tiger Widow, but then I got captured by him leaving Lloyd, Cole, and Nya on the island before the police came to save them. That's when I found out that the djin wanted to marry Nya because she looks like his decessed girlfriend and so he could get infidant wishes. Once I got saved by Nya. Lloyd and Cole were captured inside the blade and we hid out at the light house finding echo Zane. It wasn't until we were attack by the pirate crew were Nya told me her true feelings before pushing me into the portal. When I freed you guys from the blade, the djin married Nya, and when I  tried to make my final wish, but Nya died from tiger widow so I reversed everything that happened starting with Nya taking my hand and nobody finding the teapot in the first place. And now here we are

Kai: Hang on my sister got married?!

Jay: Yes and died and it was the worst thing ever

Nya: You do know I asked for the shorter version right?

Jay: That was the shorter version

Me: Lets move on from this topic Kai your turn now

Kai: OKay, Jay when are you going to propose to my sister?

Jay: .........

Zane: Why would you ask that when your sister is right next to you 

Nya: Jay you don't have to answer if you don't want to

Jay: That's just it I do want to * Kneels down on one knee in front of Nya* Nya Smith, ever since I met you I knew that we would live our lives together. And now I am for sure that it is that time. * Pulls out a black box and opens it with a ring inside* . My beautiful Cherry Blossom with all my heart and soul will you marry me?

Nya: OMG Yes I will marry you Jay Walker! * Kisses Jay *

Lloyd: I am so confused 

Cole: No kidding

Zane: Congrats


Me: Well than that was your fault Kai

Nya: Well I guess I am the final one for the truth... Jay it makes sense now that we're going to get married so here goes nothing. How many kids do you want?


Zane: It only depends on.....

Cole: Please don't finish that sentence* puts hands over Lloyds ears* remember we got a child here

Lloyd: Cole I know how babies are made

Kai: Oh really and how is that

Lloyd: When a Mommy and Daddy love each other very much- 

Jay: I am just going to stop you there, but I would like to have at least 2 kids or more

Nya: Really! I was afraid that you were going to say that you didn't want any kids

Jay: So you do want Kids?

Nya: Maybe  * smirks* 

Me: Not that this isn't a lovely topic, but we still got more truths, so lets go to Zane

Zane: Alright fire away

Kai: Hey that's my line

Zane: Sorry bad timing

Jay: Zane since you were so easy on me on my truth I'll go easy on you, what is your favorite season?

Zane: Easy season 3 because that's where I met P.I.X.A.L


Nya: I'll go next. How old are you?

Zane: To be fair I really don't know how old I am so I can't really answer that question

Cole: Okay, Me now! Tincan do you love P.I.X.E.L?

Zane: Of course I do we are compatible 


Lloyd: Me next Me next! What is your favorite candy

Kai: Why this question? Is this another excuse to go to the candy store again

Lloyd: No not this time

Zane: I like yorkies because they has a nice chill to it

Kai: That's nice NOW me! I'm I your favorite Ninja?

Zane: I don't have favorites

Nya: Tell that to PIX

Zane: What was that nothing

Me: Well that's our show make sure to comments some truth or dares for us to do and vote on this chapter BYE!!!!

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