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Me: Hello Ninjago TRUTH OR DARE!!!! Fangirls and Fanboys!!! I have an announcement-

Kai: An Announcement?


Skylor: I'm sorry, but he's going to be my hubby, sweetheart


Jay: Oh ...... first couple fight

Nya: What's the announcement?

Me: This is the last chapter of Ninjago TRUTH OR DARE!!!

Ninja: WHAT!?!

Zane: Since when have you wanted to leave us?!?

Me: I have some projects I've been wanting to do

Pixal: So you're abandoning us?

*Zane kisses Pixal on the lips*

Jay: At least they're still happy

Lloyd: For once I might actually miss you GraMaye

Me: That's a first 

Nya: How about one more dare?

Kai: Wait?!? We didn't mean that!

Me: Well than let's get started with the final dares shall we!!! This is from Thunder-Walker-Ninja

Jay: Oh goodness....

Nya: **** it

Zane: Language!

*Pixal kisses Zane on the cheek*

Me: They want a special guest to come on 

Skylor: If it's that little *****

Lloyd: I swear if you bring that ***** back

*Harumi appears in the room ,but tied up in a chair*

Cole: At least she's defenseless, right?

Nya: Well then if she's defenseless *Starts cracking her knuckles*

Me: You can't kill her

Lloyd: WHAT!!!!

Harumi: Hi little sunshine

Kai: Is she high?

Me: No it's part of itsJuliannaCaracappa  dare

Jay: So she's nice?

Me: Yep, and you can do anything you want with her except kill

Nya: But that's part of my Christmas list!

Jay: I thought having another kid was part of your Christmas list?

Kai: You are not getting my sister pregnant again UNTIL you're married!

Nya: About that-

Lloyd: Oh crap

Zane: I'm not saying anything 

Skylor: I'll find out about it later

Harumi: I like warm hugs

Zane: That's just offensive 

Me: Next dare is for Lloyd

Lloyd: Kill me now

Skylor: I wish

Me: You have to straddle Harumi and make out with her for about 20 seconds at least

Lloyd: Make out? With that demon?

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