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Me: Hello Ninjago Fangirls and Boy-

*C.j Starts crying in Nya's arms*

Jay: Do you mind being a little more quieter please. We have not gotten this little guy to sleep in days!

Cole: No joke

Zane: But it is completely normal for an infant boy to act this way

Lloyd: For two weeks?

Me: Can I finish my intro?

Nya: Only if you don't wake up C.j then you're good

Me: Alright welcome to Ninjago TRUTH IR DARE!!!! I'm your host GraMaye and we have a lot of dares for these ninja today!

Nya: *Looks at the now sleeping baby* I swear if you wake him up-

Pixal: I don't believe she will. Just make sure Kai keeps it down

Me: The first dare goes to Kai, but only he gets to know

Kai: Oh god *GraMaye whispers something in his ear and smiles*

Skylor: I don't like that smile 

Cole: He looks like MoMo

Jay: For the last time we are not showing C.j that!

All the girls: SHUSSSSSHHHHH

Jay: Sorry

Kai: Skylor I need you please *Walks away*

Skylor: This better be good *Walks back with Kai*

Lloyd: I'm going to make sure Kai is with me 

Zane: What was that?

Lloyd: Nothing!

Nya: Be quiet!

Lloyd: But you're yelling too

Nya: Please this kid has heard a lot more screaming then he needs to 

Cole: Was it from Jay?

Me: While we wait for the others we will go on with the next dare. This is for Pixal and Zane

Zane: Oh yay

Pixal: Why am I slightly nervous about this?

Me: Every time Pix talks Zane has to kiss her on the lips

Pixal: *Smirks* Well if that's the case-

*Zane kisses Pixal on the lips*

Cole: Can you save the kissing for later! I'm still single

Lloyd: and want to mingle 

Jay: That just sounds weird 

Lloyd: How do you think that little thing got here *Points to C.j*


*Pixal kisses him on the cheek*

Nya: Do you want me to kill you for waking my kid up

Jay: Trust me you do not want to mess with her 

Me: Also that dare was from jules_pixal4125

Lloyd: Oh she's fun!

Me: She doesn't have any dares for you

Lloyd: Oh come on!

*A teddy bear appears on Lloyd's lap and Nya imedeantly recognizes it*

Nya: W-what are you doing wit Mr.Sparky?

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