More Request!

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Me: Well hello everyone! I'm GraMaye and we are back with another Ninjago TRUTH OR DARE!! Today we have another request and a special guest or two.

Jay: Wait since when did we get special guest?

Zane: We had P.I.X.A.L and Skylor here a couple episodes ago

Jay: I don't remember that

Kai: That's because you don't have a brain

Zane: According to my calculations he has a brain in his head 

Cole: Why are we talking about this?

Lloyd: I'm wondering the same thing 

Nya: Can you just shut up and listen to GraMaye!

Kai: Jez sis fine

Me: So the special guest are..... Drumroll please

Lloyd: I'm not drumrolling 

Me: Well I don't care you have a kid mind!

Cole: That became dirty minded, thanks Selena Gomez 

Me: Anyway the guest are...... P.I.X.A.L, Harumi & Skylor!

*P.I.X.A.L, Harumi, and Skylor walk in the room*

Skylor: Hey guys

P.I.X.A.L: Nice seeing you again

Harumi: Lloyd

Lloyd: Harumi.

Me: Well there's some bad blood 

Nya: Yeah I'm not that fond of it either 

Lloyd: Why is SHE here

Me: They were requested fir a dare 

Cole: Who send in a request today?

Me: LadyStone123

Zane: Can you tell us more about the dares?

Me: Well Cole, Jay, and Nya doesn't get one, so I'll be giving them one because no one comes out alive in my show

Cole: Why will no one give me a dare or truth!?!

Jay: Maybe it's because you're a boulder brain 

Cole: HEY!!!

Me: Not that I like drama, but I got a show to run. So the first dare goes to Zane and Pix

P.I.X.A.L: What is the dare?

Me: You two get to make out

Zane: I would like that

P.I.X.A.L: I can post this on snapchat!

Nya: Since when have you wanted to post things on social media?

P.I.X.A.L: I got an update

Jay: Congrats 


* Zane pulls Pix by the waist and starts making out with her*

Cole: This kid needs to watch SpongeBob

Kai: Don't. Please.

Skylor: I have to agree with that. I already have to play family movies at the noodle shop

* Zane and Pix stop making out =(*

Nya: Why did you stop?

Zane: Cause we didn't want this to be weird

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