The Day of Dares

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Me: Hello Ninjago Fangirls and boys out there! Today is a very special episode cause we're in the Hospital! 

Cole: why is that a good thing?

Me: Cause Nya's giving birth today!

Nya: I'm going to die here

Kai: Think positive sis

Nya: Do you have a living thing that's about to cause you the worst pain in the world. NO.

Skylor: Are you sure we can have this many people in the room?

Me: My show. My rules

Lloyd: The bigger question is WHY I'M I HERE!!!

Zane: For support?

Lloyd: Shut it Zane!

Me: Anyway, we have a lot of dares today-

Nya: Of course you do! Why am I not surprised 

Jay: Happy thoughts 

Nya: I can't think that right now! 

Pixal: What is the first dare?

Me: Wellllllll this is from Taekwonnono 

Cole: Oh no

Lloyd: They aren't going to tell me My grandfather was gay, right?

Me: Well remember when I let Kai host....

Lloyd: And he made me make out with his sister

Nya: Which you are never doing again

Me: This time I will not be your host. Skylor will


Kai: This isn't going to end well

Skylor: So lets get started shall  we

Nya: Can you make this kid come out of me

Skylor: Sorry, but I only follow request

Jay: But they're mean!

Zane: That's not very nice 

Nya: I just want my kid out of me!

Skylor: Shush the next request is from Amy4Walker

Cole: Oh dear

Skylor: Yes it's for you Cole

Cole: Oh **** this ****!

Zane: Family show!

*Pixal kisses Zane on the cheek*

Skylor: I think you might be happy cause you and your girlfriend Chocolate Cake gets to **** and have a kid


Cole: How am I going to stick my **** in?

Kai: OMG TMI!!! 

Jay: That's what I asked myself when me and Nya-

Nya: Shut the **** up! You knew exactly what you were going to do!

*Nurse walks in*

Nurse: Well Ms. Nya you are about at 10 centimeters, but it's not quite there yet. Also no food yet

Nya: I haven't eaten anything in 48 hours!!!! 

Cole: How can I **** a Cake?

Nurse: You bake one in the oven *Walks away*

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