One Ninja Host!

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ME: Hello World!! I am back with another episode of Ninjago TRUTH OR DARE!!!! I'm your host GraMaye and today we are doing something a little different 

Cole: What do you mean different. Are you ending the show! Yes I have been waiting for this day!

Me: At least I know you care, but no. I am not going to be your host today

Zane: What do you mean? You're our host GraMaye

Me: I know, but I need to sit back and relax, and let one of you become a host for the day

Lloyd: Can I be the host since I'm the leader!

Kai: Just because you're the leader doesn't mean you have to lead everything

Lloyd: But it's fun bossing you around

Nya: You didn't boss me for the first 3 years 

Lloyd: You were different

Me: Let me take a guess. You were scared of what Nya might do to you if you did

Lloyd: No

Jay: It was totally it

Me: Well lets choose a host shall we

Zane: How will you decide?

Me: Simple * Snaps fingers and a magic 8 ball appears in hand* I like asking this thing for advice 

Kai: We're talking to a machine?

Me: Yes

Nya: I don't mind as long as it's not that perfect match maker

Jay: I agree

Me: Lets get on with it shall we. Magic 8, should I let Cole be the host? * Shakes it * No because he eats to much cake

Cole: I'm on a diet 

Jay: I'm glad we don't have to do anything with this one

Cole: HEY!!!

Me: Should I let Zane do it? * Shakes it* No 

Zane: That's all it says?

Me: Yeah

Nya: Well that was the most boring answer I have ever heard 

Cole: I agree

Me: What about Lloyd? *Shakes it up* NO and always NO

Lloyd: Well that is just very hurtful

Jay: As long as he doesn't get to be leader than I am good

Nya: I don't want to host 

Kai: Really?

Nya: I got my payback a couple episodes ago

Me: That's fine with me. Magic 8, what about Kai *Shakes it* Yes since he brings in more heat

Lloyd: Is this thing rigid?

Kai: Wish it was, but HeLlo hotties out there. I'm your host Kai!! And I will sizzle up your night!

Zane: Don't you have a girlfriend?

Kai: She's at work she would never watch this show

Me: Kai you can a phone call

Jay: Who is it from

Me: Skylor 

Kai: O heck no

Jay: If we say that was a joke would you be mad


Nya: Kai, just host already!

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