More Truths

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Me: Well hello world!!! It's GraMaye here, and welcome back to another Ninjago TRUTH OR DARE!!!!!!!! Today we are doing more truths!!!! WE STILL NEED TRUTHS AND DARES FROM THE READERS SO PLEASE COMMENT WHAT YOU WANT THE NINJA TO DO

Jay: Why more truths haven't I been through enough

Me: Don't worry it's only Kai and Nya today

Cole: Oh thank god!

Kai: Why am I always being targeted!

Me: Just be lucky I didn't do anything with your hair fire breather

Lloyd: Oh Burn

Cole: Can I be the first one to ask hot head a question

Me: Why of course, I want to see if he will blow up at the end of this chapter

Cole: Okay Kai, why do you have the hots for Skylor?

Kai: ............

Zane: I calculate that he is embarrassed from the thought of Skylor

Jay: Is he blushing!!!!

Nya: I wonder what would happen if I called her over here and see his reaction 

Kai: No don't do that I'll answer! I really like her because she is a independent person who wants to protect the people she loves, and I love the fun side of her with her personality , and by golly she has amazing hair!

Nya: I knew the hair part would come in sooner or later 

Lloyd: Me next, Me next! Okay who is your favorite ninja on the team?

Kai: Easy, Nya 

Jay: Well my feelings are hurt

Nya: Cole you owe me $5 dollars now 

Cole: What no!!! I'll double it for the next question

Nya: Deal

Zane: What is your favorite suit?

Kai: The original robes 

Cole: Why was that? 

Kai: It was comfy 

Jay: I want to go! I wanna go! Kai what is the most embarrassing thing you have ever done?

Kai: Can I skip this one?

Nya: I can answer that question if you want 

Kai: Nya you keep your mouth shut!

Nya: Once he was riding a horse and the horse got mad at him for hitting its butt, so it threw him off its back landing Kai in a barrel of chunky milk and his hair got messed up. It took a week to get the stench out of his clothes 

Kai: I thought I told you to never tell that story!!!!

Nya: Correction you told me to keep it a secret until mom and dad comes home and well they came home so ha.

Zane: Quite affiant don't you think

Nya: I know , but I need him to answer my question

Kai: Oh great let the nightmare begin

Lloyd: How is he scared of his sister?

Cole: Who knows. She has her ways 

Nya: My dear brother is it true that at one point in the past or present did you ever have feelings for any team member other than Skylor?

Kai: Nya.....

Jay: This might be a bit too extreme for me to handle

Cole: I know why he is scared of her now

Nya: Kai answer my question 

Kai: But Nya-

Nya: No buts just answer the question 

Kai: I will take a god consequence than to answer this question!

Me: Your wish is my command

Jay: Can you please not say that word

Me: Sorry my bad, Kai your consequence is to shave you whole head to a buzz cut

Kai: Wait what!!!! But it's my hair!!

Me: Sorry * snaps fingers and Kai now has a 'temporary' buzz cut* but what's done is done

Kai: :(((((((((

Me: Now we got to do Nya's truths 

Nya: Bring it on fruit color ninjas

Kai: I'll do the ordeal first. Nya my sweet little sis, is there anything and I mean anything that you have not told me about and if so why?

Nya: I think Jay might have answer all the truths I had a few chapters ago

Cole: What about the color change gi?

Nya: To why I changed it? It was because apparently nobody wants another red tone ninja!!! Kai!!! Are you happy now. And Cole that was your question so I answered 2 questions with one stone ha! Cole I want my $10 now

Cole: WHAT NO!!!

Nya: The money

Cole: * hands her $10* You're paying me back got it 

Nya: Yeah sure , Zane do you have one for me

Zane: Why of course. Nya what is your favorite color?

Lloyd: What is it with him and the simple questions 

Kai: Who knows 

Nya: Blue. And it will always be blue. * Looks back at Jay* 

Lloyd: Cute lovey douby stuff now answer my question. What is your favorite candy bar?

Nya: 3 musketters 

Cole: Now looks who doind the easy questions 

Lloyd: Oh you shut up

Nya: Jay what is your quetsion for me

Kai: You better think before you speak Walker

Jay: It's also Gordan. Anyway, do you perfer Samarai X or The Water Ninja???

Nya: Oh that's a tough one

Kai: Yes!! We finally got her on one!

Cole: Let her answer the question Kai!!!


Zane: But you are yelling 

Lloyd: To make a point 

Nya: To not get off topic I do perfer to be Samarai X more than the Water Ninja only because I created it and I was proud of what it has made me today

Zane: Today is Monday 

Cole: Not that kind of today Zane

Me: Well that was very intresting but that is our show today. Don't forget to comment a truth or dare for the NInajs and I will see you all next time. BYEEEE

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