Ships, Ships, SHIPS!!!

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Lloyd: Where is everyone? I thought the show started at 6 o'clock

Cole: That's what I was wondering too

* Kai, Skylor, Nya, Jay, P.I.X.A.L, Zane, and Me walked in*

Me: Sorry we were late it was date night

Cole: You're telling me that all of you had dates and didn't warn us about it or told us to wait for you at the bounty

Jay: We lost track of time

Lloyd: And also GraMaye you had a date?

Me: Yeah I have been dating him for almost 2 years. Keep up with the times Lloyd, and also you might get a call from Harumi later this evening 

Lloyd: Why?

Me: You know what lets get off this topic. Today we have some special guest with us and that is Pix and Sky!!! 

Skylor: Thanks for having us on the show 

Me: No problem that means a longer show tonight!!! Anyway I'm your host GraMaye and this is your favorite show Ninjago TRUTH OR DARE!!! Lets get a little run down on what happened last episode shall we. So Kai was the host-

Kai: And I was amazing at it

Nya: No you really weren't 

Jay: I completely agree 

Me: Anyways, he made Lloyd and Nya make out, Cole read Bruise fan fiction, Jay saying he would have to make out with his teddy bear, who Lloyd thought kissed better, and what Zane would change about him

Cole: Remind me never to let Kai host again 

Kai: HEY!

Me: So today we are talking about ships!!!!

Jay: Oh I got this in the bag!! I have been in the longest relationship than all of you combined 

Nya: Was that when we first started dating or was it the second time after the break up? 

Jay: Don't remind me. And Nya and I were the only ones in this group who have had a first kiss and first make out if you know what I mean

Kai: Hang on.... what do you mean by if you know what I mean!?

Nya & Jay: * Blushing *

Zane: Please don't tell me the details 

P.I.X.A.L: Well according to my calculations-

Skylor: Pix please don't respond to that

Me: I can agree with that, so I want to do truth or dares with teams and that will be sorted to couples!

Lloyd: What about me and Cole?

Me: Well I tried to call Harumi, but she wasn't in the mood, so you and Cole will be a team but your truth or dares will be friend zone style 

Cole: That works for me

Lloyd: As long as I don't have to make out with anyone again than I'm good 

Me: Alright, so the first one is for team kailor! Truth or dare

Kai & Skylor: Truth!

Me: Alrighty then. What was the worst date you have ever had?

Kai: Do we have to do this one

Zane: What was wrong with your date?

Skylor: it was a long story

Nya: Then at least give us a short version

Kai: I'll explain it, so a couple months ago we went to a road house and I was a little drunk from coke and I Skylor went to the restroom and I didn't know so I saw a girl that looks just like her and I walked up to her and kissed her on the cheek. But before I realized it Skylor saw the whole thing and she walked up to me and smack me in the face and ran off

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