Chapter Seven

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I awoke in Rivendell with four elves beaming at me from where I lay. Looking around I saw that I was on a soft elvish bed in a brightly sunlit room. I immediately recognized Anoron, and I dug into my memories of the fangirl life further to recognize Lord Elrond, Arwen his daughter, and Prince Legolas of Mirkwood.

"W-what happened? I don't remember anything after telling Anoron about the fog..."

"Oh my Valarrr, Arwen just tell her what happened, I'm gonna be late for my weekly fitness walk with Thranduil and Celebornnn!" His voice was whiny and

sassy like some drama queen in a Mean Girls movie. Was it just me or did he say 'Stay Fabulous!' as he exited the room?

Anyway, he stormed out of there, may I add - with attitude, before I could ask him anything. This was turning out worse than I thought it would.

"Please excuse his rude behavior," Arwen apologized for her father's actions, "He's been having... Issues lately." She looked over to Legolas as if for answers, but he didn't say a word.

The three elves explained to me that I had been stabbed by a poisoned blade in the orc raid, and that the fog I was seeing was the darkness encroaching upon me.

'Not creepy at all,' I thought.

"You were very close to leaving us," Anoron said sadly.

"Very close," Arwen added.

Legolas just nodded and looked down at his feet.

The three had demanded that I stay at rest for at least two more days, but I heard a rumor that an important council was being held in a day, so I managed to get Arwen to allow me to go.

An elf maiden named Irmarwen brought me three meals a day, all of which we're made up of a plate of salad and a small piece of bread. I thanked her every time she helped me and I think at one point she thought it wasn't sincere.

I jumped out of bed the minute my resting day was over. I couldn't wait to explore Rivendell, and, more importantly, meeting with Elrond, Galadriel, and Gandalf. I wandered seemingly aimlessly through the gardens and fountains of Rivendell.

Anything and everything natural could be found here. Even the pattern of the stone in the walkways mimicked the flow of water. The buildings were circular and elegant.

I saw something out of the corner of my eye. Gandalf?

Knowing I was supposed to meet with him soon I followed him through the maze of pathways in this Elven City. He seemed to be turning corners too quickly and looking across the path before he crossed it for secrecy. Had I made the wrong decision following him here?

Eventually we made it to an open room high upon the cliffs overlooking Rivendell. The river free-fell in a waterfall so close you could feel the spray as the water surged by. There was a table in the centre of the "room", and four chairs surrounding it. I cautiously stepped through the threshold of the door and was greeted by Galadriel.

"Welcome, Rhoevien Moritaurë of The Earthean Realms," she cooed. Elrond gestured towards a seat and I sat down carefully.

'At least you're still in those elvish leggings and don't have a skirt to worry about,' I thought.

"Hello," I said meekly. Was I supposed to acknowledge their names? Did they know I knew them? How would I explain? My train of thought was cut off by Gandalf.

"We know you are confused, young Rhoevien. And we are here to aid and guide you to your purpose and full opportunity."

"I have had dreams, of late," said Galadriel, "They pictured a human from the Earthean Realms that was so dedicated to Arda they returned to where their heart truly lie. Could this be you?" she asked.

"Yes, my lady, I have always loved Arda, and Middle Earth is where I hoped to one day find myself, but why am I here?" I tried not to look desperate for answers and reveal the petty human nature. Elves are patient, they can wait.

"A messenger of the Valar informed me that a pure-hearted elleth was to be brought to Arda and aid Middle Earth in its darkest times," Elrond explained, "Her knowledge and capabilities would benefit the Free Peoples and help destroy Morgoth once and for all. His evil treachery has been passed on to Sauron, who turns out not to be vanquished as we has assumed. You are the key to Middle Earth's survival!" He stood up and waved his hands around for effect.

"A company is setting off to destroy Sauron at Mordor in tomorrow. You are welcome to join us at the Council of Elrond if you wish. As it does tie into your fate and life's quest."

"I," I stumbled over my words, "I would be honored to join the Council!" I couldn't believe this was happening!

"Wonderful!" Gandalf clapped his hands together.

'They will travel through Loth Lorien,' Galadriel's voice was now in my head, I looked around to see if anyone else had heard, 'Meet me at the great Mallorn tree when you come.'

I mentally nodded my head, if that was even possible, and she got the point and left, Gandalf and Elrond trailing behind her.


I know it's short but I'm working on the Council of Elrond chapter and it's going to make up for this crappy one! Once I finish the Fellowship of the Ring (book one) I'll go back and name the Chapters.

Also- I'm sorta starting two other stories too, so I might post them and if so you should go check them out *wink wink nudge nudge*

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