Chapter 26

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Here we have it, the long awaited chapter. I apologize for making everyone wait so long, I feel really bad.
Also, Warning: Failed Attempt At Cute Scene.

I followed after Gimli, Aragorn, and Legolas until I realized what was happening.
The Fellowship had already broken.
And we were just helping it along.

"We have to go back!" I stopped and screamed after the Three Hunters, who were still running, "The Fellowship is already breaking! We didn't stop it! We left Boromir behind! And the two pairs of hobbits broke off already! You see? We didn't change anything!"

Aragorn stopped, and held his arm out to stop the other two. He looked back at me like I had just told him where the Black Pearl was, or that his lost brother was becoming the leader of a massive demon army. A normal person would be saying any of those things.

"What did you say?" He cocked his head and looked me directly in the eye. His glare was intimidating, it held me in place and kept the now-difficult explanation from being said. Whether it was out of fear or nervousness I may never know.

"I said, um..." It was better to get this over with before it was too late, before I cluttered them with lies and false excuses enough that I forgot the made-up story I had been telling them. I dropped to sit cross-legged on the ground. "I said that the Fellowship broke already, and that we didn't stop it."

My voice trailed off and my gaze fell to the ground. I tried to occupy myself with sorting the various leaves at my feet.
Blue, red, brown, I thought, sorting, long, short, flat-


I closed my eyes, and the second I cracked them open there were three very angry figures glaring at me. Two where yelling, and one seemed like he was trying to keep fire from coming out of his nose.

"We should tie her up in the forest and leave her there for lying to us!"

"Serves her right!"

"Or throw her in a boat and push it towards the waterfall!"

"Not violent and painful enough..."

"Guys?" I tried to sit up, but was instantly lightheaded. I saw Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas's hair whip around towards me after I had spoken.

"YOU LITTLE SNAKE FACE." Gimli was obviously not amused.

"Hey, I was... um... just... uh... protecting..... you......?" I didn't sound convincing at all, but it was the truth.

"I should have known!" Yelled Aragorn, "After you told us your mother was a bandit we should have thrown you out!"

"You couldn't have done that anyway, we all kinda-sorta swore to protect Frodo, whether or not it was direct. I'm here for him, not for you."
Aragorn looked extremey offended, and made a weird teenager sound before dramatically stumbling back. Honestly, I thought he was genuinely surprised that not all of us were here because of him.

"Listen," I continued, "We have to get going. Did anyone have the brilliant idea to carry on looking for any of the hobbits, or did you just sit around yelling at an unconscious body?"

They just looked at each other.

"Seriously?" I rolled my eyes and stood up.

I pointed in the direction Merry and Pippin had gone in and they started walking. I, however, set off back to Boromir.

I had been walking for a few minutes when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning around, I realised it was Legolas. Never saw that coming.

I grabbed his hand off my shoulder and twisted his arm backwards. Quite quickly, may I add. I was actually quite proud of myself.

"AH AH AHH OKAY YOU CAN STOP NOW AH AH OKAY PLEASE STOP RHOEVIEN MORITAURE IT IS NOT FUNNY." When he quit his whining I let his arm go, his hand instantly flew to it and started massaging his probably-sore shoulder.

"It'll heal," I dismissed.

"Well, I was hoping to have a decent, civil conversation with you, but it seems my attempts have failed. You know, you're not doing too much to prove Aragorn's-'evil bandit child from a distant galaxy'-take on your personality very wrong."

I shrugged.

"Well I am the descendant of some mostly-unknown bandit, with a high probability to be working for Sauron, maybe you should watch yourself better."
He squinted angrily in my direction.

"Listen I-"

"Maybe you should go." I sensed his plan to have some deep and meaningful conversation with me, and I just was not in the mood.

"Rhoe, I understand why you did it. I understand why you didn't tell us about the whole 'Lord of the Ring' thing," He seemed sincere, but I was trying hard enough not to rip his throat out because of the incorrect singular Ring, "I trust you, Rhoevien. Most of us wouldn't be here if it weren't for you, and if we were here, we would be much different people. You've changed all of us, and helped me more than you could know. You've protected me and trusted in my judgement, even if it meant deciding to not me completely honest. I trust you."

"Well maybe you shouldn't," I countered, "My past is sketchy, and there are more problems with it than you know. There are some problems with it that you will never know."

"I want to be better friends, Rhoevien. I would willingly protect and love you like a brother."

"Prince Legolas-"

"The problems of your past are your business, Rhoe. The problems of your future? They're my privilege."

Hey look it's a double A/N chapter...
Anyway, here's a weird crappy thing I just wrote. I'll hopefully start updating more often, school has just decided to be a pain in the ass and it should get sorted out soon.
Stupid substitutes and their grading confusion...


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