Chapter 25

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Legolas pulled away from Losseiriel and got right up in my face. His expression seemed infuriated, and unforgiving, but his eyes still gleamed with sadness.

"He's going to die," he whispered harshly through clenched teeth. I started to say something in defense, but he brought his hand up and slapped me across the face. Well then.

"Then I will die among my friends, and the most honorable people I have ever known," Boromir paused, thinking, "But don't slap people, Legolas, especially my friends. Because you'll quickly be excluded from that last statement."

His voice was raspy, his breaths jagged, but I heard a snarl that was not Boromir.

I turned around to see a towering Uruk Hai, armed with a bow that was ready to fire. He tilted his head and, grinning, drew the bowstring back further. I thought it was going to snap.

"Then he will die by my arrow."
He released the string and the arrow flew, too quickly.

"OVER MY DEAD BODY!" I screamed as I quickly fired an arrow to counter the one it had propelled towards Boromir's heart. It loaded another arrow. But what did I think it was going to do, give up? Merry and Pippin grabbed handfuls of rocks and I unsheathed my daggers, swinging dangerously but controllably at the Uruk Hai. I stopped only when I heard my blade slice his throat.

What a violent blood-luster I was turning out to be...

"Boromir, Boromir," Aragorn was pressing something onto his wounds. Athelas?


"Rhoevien, hormones, please" she said calmly, I looked at her as if she was some sort of alien dog.


Well, let's just say the next hour or so was basically me screaming a lot and Aragorn kneeling by Boromir. Merry and Pippin ran off to find clovers, honestly I worry about them.

"I don't think it would be wise for me to continue on this journey," Losseiriel said carefully and quietly, "I might get injured, or worse: killed."

"But I'm here to protect you. We're here to protect you." Legolas didn't agree with her one bit.

"She has a point, the Fellowship was formed to aid in the destruction of the Ring, that is our quest," I said more to Losseiriel than Legolas, "And she's not even part of the Fellowship."

Rhoevien I don't think it would be wise to-

"Oh!" I yelled at Mathilmen, who had landed on a nearby branch, "So you finally decided to show up."

Now I was getting looked at like an alien dog.

"I'm talking to the bird, alright?"

I could practically hear the "blink blink" cartoon noises.

"You don't get an opinion, Rhoevien. Giving false hope helps no one, and you tricked Boromir into thinking he would live," Legolas spat, getting in my face again.

"Sorry to rain on your parade, but I'm right here, alive." Boromir smiled and waved to the Prince.

"Oh shut up."

"I'm leaving," Losseiriel said, and started walking in the direction of Lothlorien, "I've HAD IT with your CONSTANT BICKERING. FAREWELL."

How. Why. What even-

"You can't just walk off into a orc-infested forest on your own!" I shouted after her, "You're the one who was worried about getting killed!"

Nobody made a move to go after her.

"Wait..." I spun around in the direction Merry and Pippin had gone off into, "Wait wait wait! Something is... not right!"

"No kidding," Boromir said. I inspected the ground near us quickly.

"No no no I mean with Merry and Pippin! There's no clovers around here!" I sprinted off after the two hobbits, and Aragorn sprung up and followed me.

"Oh!" Legolas called from back by Boromir, "So you're just going to leave me, then! With the dying man! I see how it is!"

In frustration he kicked the dirt and leaves at his feet, some of it landing in an unamused Boromir's face. Legolas shot the mortal an apologetic look before chasing after the remaining Fellowship.

Wait, did I just say mortal?
A funny word.
I wondered whether or not it still applied to me, with the elf thing and all.

Ah, the remaining Fellowship, who was it? I tried to recall who we would and wouldn't be seeing for a while as I followed Aragorn and Gimli through the woods, at a wild pace, may I add.
Well, Merry and Pippin had gone MIA on a clover hunt, Frodo and Sam were Eru knows where, Losseiriel had run off into an evil forest, Boromir was probably dying, and Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas and myself remained otherwise.

Oh, Legolas.
Talk about #mixedemotions.

He had slapped me. Slapped me. Yes, his hand was soft, and warm, and comforting, and- what am I saying! I couldn't decide if I should hate him forever, not only because of this, but for leading me on and then... well... Losseiriel.


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