Chapter Nine

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Anoron had to practically shake me to death to get me to wake up in the morning.

"What if I don't want to go! Boromir scares me and Legolas is creeping me out!" I stuffed my head into my pillow.

"Aragorn will be there, and the hobbits," replied Anoron.

"What if I die? I can't use weapons!"
I tried flailing my arms around for a more dramatic excuse.

"Didn't you say Legolas was going to teach you?"


"Come on," he knelt beside the bed and looked me in the eyes, "it may seriously be good for you. Maybe a little adventure is what you need. Explore what it's like to be an elf for a bit."
He pulled me up out of the bed.

"Go away while I get ready."

"Fine," he said, "just don't escape out the window while I'm on the other side of the door."

I quickly got into my "adventure clothes" and pulled my quiver over my back diagonally. I put my sword sheaths in an "X" across my back and slipped the blades into them. I pulled on my boots and quickly braided my hair back.
'You look like Katniss.' I thought, 'Shut up brain.'

I popped out of the door hoping to scare Anoron, but the only thing visible was a Legolas- halfway up a pillar and clutching to it for dear life.

"Y-you, ah, s-scared me." He was obviously embarrassed.

"I'm so sorry! I thought you where Anoron." I walked over to the pole in hopes to help him down, but he just let go and dropped. Elves where seriously awesome.

"Well, I brought you this." He held out a beautiful elvish bow made from pale white wood and an amazing string. There were elvish Tengwar runes engraved along the wood.

"Rhoevien: Guardian of the Forests," I read out loud, "Its so amazing, thank you so much!" I sorta just leapt up onto him and enveloped him in a huge hug. He seemed to be fine.

"Well, the Fellowship is leaving in maybe half an hour, do you need to eat? Maybe we could practice archery?" He had a hopeful gleam in his eyes.

"Sure! That would be amazing!" I said quickly and be grabbed my hand, dragging me to the archery range.

The range was an open field with a few targets here and there. Most of them varied in distance from a stone walkway that cut through the field. A few deer were poking around at the edge of the woods, well within range, but nobody shot at them.
I was watching the calm deer eat the grass at the end of the meadow when I heard an arrow whizz by my head. It thunked into the deer in its side, its heart. I spun around to see Aragorn standing there with a smug grin on his face, high-fiving a few rowdy bystanders.

"'At was a good one," said one of his men with a heavy accent, "are ya goin' a shoot another?"

"No no, then I'd have all the elves in Rivendell chasing after me," he nodded in Arwen's direction, "and I've already got one." A few of the men chuckled and strode away.

'What was that all about?' I thought, 'that was a pretty low move, for the future king of Gondor.'

"Hey now, don't fret," I felt Legolas's warm hand on my shoulder, "there are plenty more deer in the woods."

"Well, ah, okay. Let's go." I grabbed my bow from where it was slung across my shoulder and nocked an arrow from my quiver carefully. I held it up as if to aim and looked over at the Prince.

"Try aiming after you pull back, it's slower but easier."

I pulled the bowstring back to my ear, it was surprisingly easy, and took aim. I looked down my arrow and pointed the tip a little higher than the target I was shooting for.

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