Chapter Twenty Four

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I checked to make sure I had all of my weapons, discreetly of course, and chugged some water from the "filtering system". I made sure my hair was securely braided back and and strode over to the Fellowship, my wounds no longer hurting out of anticipation of what was to come.

The breaking of the Fellowship.

But with whom would I go? I had read all of the fanfictions, every elf followed the three hunters, and soppy stuff happened in Rohan and Helms Deep. Maybe if I followed Merry and Pippin, my precious hobbits, I could help them in Fangorn, or to overthrow Isengard.

Then an idea came to mind, what if I went with Frodo and Sam? I could protect them on the way to Mordor, defend them from Shelob and Gollum, maybe Faramir would be quicker to release them.

Oh, but then I remembered everything that had to happen before that. I remembered that Boromir would have to die.
I wouldn't be letting that happen.
Not a chance.

With new determination and responsibility, I came closer to the group of men, halflings, elves, and dwarves who had already begun to settle on some new logs.

"Where's Frodo?" I asked, it was the question dreaded by all LotR fans while watching The Fellowship of the Ring.

"Oh dear..." Aragorn muttered, seeing Boromir's shield.

"Where's Boromir?" Pippin asked.

"Probably with him."

With that they all jumped to their feet and ran off into the forest, in no particular groups or patterns. Except Legolas and Losseiriel, who stayed together, of course. I followed Merry and Pippin, and loosely knocked an arrow, hoping they wouldn't notice.

It happened in a flash. At first, we had been searching behind every tree, looking in every clearing and behind every boulder, for Frodo and Boromir, and then Frodo skidded by us, and we ran head on into the man of Gondor.

That was the last I would be seeing of Frodo for a while, I thought.

I had lost the group when suddenly I heard the Horn of Gondor. Loud. There were weird goblin-ish orc-ish things attacking us, hacking and slashing with crude weapons. I had to duck and spin violently to evade their blows.
Then I realized what they were:
Uruk Hai.

I shot wildly, hardly noticing when I was loading and arrow or shooting one. Everything was like one fluid motion, no panic or fear. I realized what it was like for the other elves all the time, they did everything gracefully, not stopping or fumbling along the way.

The time soon came when I could no longer shoot at the oncoming line of Uruks. They had been dropping dead to my arrows in a nice, orderly line, but now I whipped out my daggers. I flicked them with my wrists, cutting a throat here and piercing a heart there. I remembered all of the time I had spent watching the Behind The Scenes of Tauriel's stunts, maybe a little experimentation wouldn't be bad.

I looked around for my hobbits, and found them fighting alongside Aragorn. Well, they were throwing handfuls of dirt in the Uruk Hai's faces, not sure if you'd consider that fighting....

I quickly grabbed onto a tree branch and swung off of it, planting my feet square on an Uruk's face and impaling the one behind it. The Horn of Gondor sounded, it's loud call echoing between the trees. It sounded desperate, Boromir was in danger.

I ran through the trees, skidding on piles of leaves and running the occasional Uruk Hai through with my blades. Finally I came to a clearing, where Aragorn, Merry, Pippin, and Boromir all stood. They were up and fighting, good. I leapt into battle beside them.

I had become too engulfed in the fight against the Uruks to hear the high-pitched squeak behind me. Soon I realized that the entire Fellowship had gathered around a figure lying on the ground. I stabbed the last Uruk Hai I could see, so far, and ran to join them. It was Boromir, wincing in pain as he tried to sit up straight, two arrows now protruding from his chest.

"BOROMIR!" I screamed and lunged froward to help him, but Aragorn stopped me.

"Stay back, she-elf," he spat, then, a little more kindly, he said, "There's nothing we can do."
Legolas, who was awkwardly patting a crying Losseiriel's back, sniffed and stifled a whimper.

"It's a morgul shaft, the poison's in his blood. He'll be choking on it soon," Aragorn reported, sighing. A tear escaped the elf's eye, but he didn't wipe it away. He had been so insecure about crying...

"Poisoned, you say?" I pulled out of Aragorn's grasp and knelt by Boromir, looking him in the eye as if to say 'I'm sorry' before tearing out one of the arrows. He screamed.

"Sorry," I shrugged, and held the arrow out to Aragorn, who seemed taken aback.

"Why did you do that?"

"Just look." I shoved the arrow into his hands and he examined it.

"See?" He said, pointing to a brownish resin that covered the arrowhead, "That looks like poison, doesn't it, she-elf?"

"As it was meant to..." The Uruk Hai did just want to kill us, they wanted us to break trust, to leave our friends behind and lose hope for them. They would naturally never do that, they must be commanded by someone with a larger plan.

I yanked out the other arrow, and Boromir seemed quite angry with me.

"I would yell at you," he croaked, "If I could actually breathe."

So um, I wrote more but it's in a journal and I don't really feel like typing it up right now and I will later. Plus I haven't updated in a while.....

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