Chapter Eight - Council of Elrond

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After the strange meeting with Elrond, Galadriel, and Gandalf, I decided to cool off a little before going to meet Elrond yet again. I had met Irmarwen again, who gave me her father's Elven swords, (that both were horribly sharp, with the signature curve, and had white handles), and a quiver of arrows. Great thing I left my bow back on Earth.

I was wandering through gardens, fountains, flower beds, anything and everything natural was here. Poking around in a little open building I saw a statue holding something.

The shards of Narcil?

That was a huge mental 'omg'.

I thought I was having a fangirl moment until Aragorn walked into the room reading a book. Was this Aragorn like the Aragorn? Like the son of Arathorn? I was trying not to stare as I watched my most beloved character casually stroll across the room. He looked up at something, and I thought it was me, but I noticed that he was looking past me at someone. Arwen? Yay.

Oh wait, this was worse.


Not only does he try to kill Frodo, but he generally gave me a bad vibe. I felt this as I was reading, and it was stronger now. I even heard he had fangirls back on Earth, what?



'Well that wasn't awkward at all.'

"Who's this?" Boromir asked Aragorn, he gave him a puzzled look.

"I'm, uh, Rhoevien. Moritaurë." It was weird to talk to a character I hated so much. In fact, it was weird to talk to characters at all, I was worried I would mess up the storyline or something. Not like it followed what the books said at all or anything.

"I haven't seen you around before." Aragorn seemed concerned about my sudden appearance.

"I'm not from here," I replied, "I came over from Valinor. But my life before that was pretty confusing anyway."

"You can tell us, we have all day."

"Actually, Boromir, the Council starts in an hour."

"That's plenty of time."

I took a deep breath, here goes nothing.

"I'm from an Earthean Realm, and I almost died and woke up in Valinor. That's all I know."

"You're, human?" Boromir looked at my ears.

"Ah, no. Well not anymore at least. I was never really like a human anyway, confused my family."

"Okay then." Aragorn had a look that had 'TMI' written all over it.

"Could we possibly, um, head over to the Council early? I don't want to be late." Boromir was obviously uncomfortable being alone with a human-turned-elf.

"Sure thing." Aragorn and Boromir strode out of the room gracefully. One was so perfect, but the other was creeping me out. You can probably put the descriptions with the names yourself.

After staring at them leaving for a minute, I decided that I should go too. It's never good to be late for an important cross-kingdom summoned council.

I ended up coming to the council just as it was starting because I kept getting lost along the way. There was a group of maybe four dwarves, who were angrily staring at the group of maybe six elves.

'The elves probably tried to feed them something green.' I thought.

There were maybe three men, including Boromir and Aragorn, four hobbits, who I knew to be Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin, a grumpy Gandalf and a sulking Elrond.

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