Chapter 15

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Location unknown 

Leon's POV

Yeesh, why do I have to have such an annoying older sister. True she's only older by like, 13 minutes but still. Can't she just accept that this is what mom wanted 

"Natalia, I know you are here. There's no running from your responsibilities now. The queen-to-be is already training to rule. She needs her guardians to be there for her." The brunette came out of the bushes dressed in a black bodysuit. "Leon, mom threw away our birthright for some woman that is currently being held hostage in Heaven. Sure she would've made a good ruler but what if her daughter isn't like her. The kingdom we rightfully own could collapse," the fury evident in her words.


"Natalia! Come back," Cameron cried. " No, I refuse to be a mere peasant to a nobody. She's probably nothing like her mother since other people are raising her. I will take back what's rightfully mine one day," she said bluntly before running off into the woods. Outrunning even the best of  Hades' guards never to be seen again.

End of flashback

"She's 10, she still has time to learn. Sure she can be a bit harsh, has some trust issues and anxiety but she's had both her real parents and foster parents taken away from her. The fact she has the responsibility she has right now just adds to the pressure. How would you react if that happened to you?" At this point I was totally enraged.

Whoever said blood is thicker than water should throw himself off a cliff. That certainly isn't the case here

"Well, I guess baby bro is admitting his friend's faults. Thank you for giving me something to use against her when I challenge her for the throne," Natalia said slow clapping. She smirked as she came closer to me. I was more than prepared to fight her. "Have a nice day Leonardo," she smiled before slashing me with claw attachments on one of her hands. She laughed evilly as she disappeared into the shadows once again. I ran as fast as I could back to where some soldiers were waiting for me with a car. They rushed me inside where the doctor treated my wounds.

5 days later, Palace of the Underworld

Cameron's POV

"Impressive, you've really improved. You should work on how you use your energy though," my coach smiled, pulling me up. "That's enough for today, Caprice should be waiting in the study. I think she's done with her royal training." I quickly changed and bid farewell to my combat training coach.

"Cameron!" I turned my head to see a girl running towards me. She had some kind of gown thing on stained with what looked like water, her face was covered in tears which could explain the stained gown. "Huh, who are y-," I said before I was enveloped in a hug. I ended up getting makeup smeared on my shirt. "Cameron I am so sorry about that, I had to do some kind of court thing which apparently requires a lot of makeup. Am I really not pretty enough for them?" "No, I think you look fine the way you are but, what happened to you," I asked. "Leon's back! I was so happy I couldn't hold the tears back." I then remembered we still had some schoolwork to do. "Don't we have schoolwork to do today?" "Cam, professor told me that since Leon was back, she would help him catch up with his lessons while we just get a bit of homework," she said. 

"Cam, I'm back buddy. Natalia was not for this whole 'Bridge is the queen' thing. She said something about challenging Bridge for the throne, I'm worried. She even had the guts to attack me," Leon said.

We walked to my room where we saw Leon, a bandage on one of his arms. "Leon!" I saw Bridge run up to him and hug him. "I'll leave you three alone for a bit," the nurse said as she got up to leave. "What happened, was she on her period or something? I bet you said something anti-feminist and pissed her off. Maybe you challenged her to a fi-," "Bridge, this isn't a game you know. I miss you and your sarcasm I really do but now is not the time," Leon hissed. "Oh, I'm really sorry, I just thought you needed some cheering up that's all," she said, guilt written all over her expression. Leon then proceeded to explain what happened with Natalia. Bridge got more and more nervous, the thought of her guardian trying to kill her or something.

"Kids, as much as I don't want to ruin the moment, Leon has some school to catch up on," professor interrupted. "Cameron, you're just gonna get a few assignments for today, Caprice can explain to you." 

"Cam, what do you think Natalia's gonna do to me. Does she really want to kill me that badly," she asked me while we were lying on Bridget's carpet. Her room wasn't as big as mine. To be fair, I share my room with Leon and Natalia, supposedly. "Umm, earth to Cam~," Bridge called while waving her hand in my face. "Oh uh sorry about that, what were you saying?" "Ughh, I was just going on about how some girl from Underworld history likes you, a lot," she said in her usual sarcastic tone. "Wait what!" Moments later I heard Bridget laughing like crazy. "You actually bought it. Ha! I'm kidding, you just didn't answer my question earlier silly," she laughed as she knocked lightly on my head. "Well, whatever Natalia has planned, Leon and I will make sure you're safe," I assured her. She gave me a warm smile that I almost never saw. "I'm glad that out of all the devils out there, I got you as one of my guardians. It's nice to have people I can binge watch with," she smiled at what she said.

Don't worry Bridget, I promise to guard you with my life, like what mom would've wanted.


OMG for the first time in like 2 months I update on the right day! I'm almost finished with school so I can update more often on time. Thank you guys for the reads and I can't wait to write more of you  guys 😊

Until then, adios


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