Alien/Reader (SFW)

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(Request image MIA apparently)

(I'm sorry if you had a specific type of alien in mine but this is what came to my mind the more I thought about it, I think I have a thing for multiple arms lol) anywho! I hope you like it!

You groaned as you changed in a tank top looking over at them, they hadnt been answering you and it was worrying and frightening you. However you didn't realize how emotional you were until you said it.
"Will you just tell me the truth?" You felt your breath hitch as you said the words and your datemate looked down at their hands awkwardly.
Something was wrong. The last few days they had been talking less and less and they looked almost... sick? They were tired all the time and you just couldn't figure out why
Or why they wouldn't tell you for that matter.
"Love... You wouldn't believe me if I told you... and even if you did? I'd just scare you off." They crosses their arms avoiding your gaze and you rushed to them taking their face in your hands.
"No no no baby you couldn't scare me away if you tried...! You could... you could..." you racked your brain for an example and finally found one. "You could be an alien or some kind of monster and it wouldn't bother me one bit! If you have extra arms, and eye balls... Or heck even if you ate people for a living. We're in too deep and I'm afraid you're stuck with me." You smirk and they give out a small chuckle, a tear sliding down their cheek.
"Well... be careful what you wish for." They smile and look you dead in the eyes, and blinked.
Not a normal blink however.
Their eyelids were still open but something underneath like a milky cover quickly covered and in covered their eyes horizontally. The shock on your face must've been clear and they pulled away from you starting to shrug off the hoodie you had bought them a couple weeks ago.
"I won't hold you to your word but... I can't hid it anymore, it's exhausting my body and... I'm doing more harm than good." They sigh and you see two more pairs of arms crossed together that DEFINITELY were not there before.
And when did they get so tall?
Before your eyes your date mate has morphed into something completely inhuman. Not close to say a zxenomorph no, more? Praying mantis? Even then that description didn't do justice. Their skin was a soft pale pink and they seemed both relieved and extremely self conscious. For some reason you weren't scared. Fear had met stricken you just, genuine curiosity. Just as they looked away seemingly ready to run you stepped forward, placing s hand on them, you slowly felt the exoskeleton that covered them and all the bumps and grooves that detailed their body. When you gently reached up to touch your hands to their face they bent forward gently as you felt the new body your partner had revealed. I silent clicking emitted from their throat and you couldn't help but giggle. They had made that noise before when they were bored and tired and you just thought it was them clicking their tongue against the roof of their mouth. Turns out it was a purr.
"You aren't running." They hummed our warily and you smiled shaking your head.
"I told you I wouldn't." You smiled standing on your toes to press a kiss to what you assume would be their nose if their face wasn't as smooth as as the hood of a car.
"You really don't mind this?" They asked, arms sneaking around you waist while a pair entangled their fingers in your hair. You shook your head, smiling wider as you nuzzled your forehead against theres.
"Not At all... I think your amazing." You whisper and there's a few happy clicks from your datemate as they pick you up, swinging you around and nuzzling into you.
"And you, my dear are the most beautiful creature I have ever had the pleasure of meeting on this planet."
"So you *are* an alien?" You smirk and they huff rolling their eyes.
"No I'm a ghost."
"Alright alright I'm just playin'." You muse as they burry their head in your neck nipping slightly to make you yelp before breaking into a fit of laughter.

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