Thanks Giving Savior (Incubus/Reader SFW)

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Sending an incubus babe your way this thanksgiving 🖤🖤🖤
You were on your second plate of pie and holding back the glares of the unwanted family members.
Great. This was going great.
People had managed to bring up everything they could to get under your skin and you were really starting to contemplate if coming here every year was worth it.
You decided this year that anyone who attempted to start something with you that you would just shove a spoonful of food in your mouth.
Gods you would give about anything for someone to come save you right about now.
As if on cue the door bell rang, curious... Everyone was already here. After it rang again you heard an exasperated sigh calling for you to open the door.
Making your way over you felt a pulling sensation towards the door. Ah, weird.
When you swung open the door contemplating who it could be a puff of snow blew in with the wind and you snapped your eyes closed as you stepped back. quickly shrugging off the evening chill you looked up feeling your heart nearly stopped.
A man stood there looking... well, dashing. What other word could you use to describe him? He stood there with his hands in his pockets looking rather cold. With well kept dress shoes, black slacks, and a fashionable red coat wrapped tightly around him he gave a charming smile.
"This okay? I could always go female if it were more your style..." he trailed off and you found your jaw hanging open, everything about him just seemed... perfect? The scruff against his face was freshly trimmed and his tired hazel eyes held a glimmer of mischief and joy.
"W-who um... who are you?" You attempted and he tilted his head with a smirk.
"You called for me did you not? Don't be silly love, I wouldn't miss a date no matter the short notice. May I?" When he says your name you're even more confused yet you find yourself letting him in. He enters, stomping his feet on the rug before shaking off the cold.
"So um... what's your name?" You ask awkwardly stepping from one foot to the other.
"Well you may introduce me as David." He flashes you another pearly white smile and for a second you could have sworn you saw... horns attached to his head.
"And you said I... called for you?" You questioned and he nodded swinging an arm around you pulling him close.
He smelt like pine and campfires. Who was he?
"Don't worry about it too much love let's just have a good time and make them jealous." He grinned kissing the top of your head.
God you were confused.
The night had begun to get better almost immediately. Everyone seemed to be silent when he walked in with you in his arms before introducing himself as your date.
"Sorry I couldn't make it earlier, the hospital kept me a little longer than expected! It's nice to meet you all."
"A doctor?" Oh that's all your family needed and you felt yourself being amused by this 'David's' antics as he won over your family who seemed to be leaving you out of embarrassing questions. At least you wouldn't be questioned on why you were alone anymore.
However David's attention was only on your family for a moment before it was turned completely to you. The two of you had been laughing and cracking jokes like old friends on the couch together. Old friends who were becoming very touchy.
This mysterious man had appeared out of no where when you needed it, he was making an amazing impression on your family (almost unrealistically so), and now he was making you feel like the center of the universe.
"So." He smiled gazing into your eyes "when you called out. You said something about, doing anything if someone were to save you." He smirked and you felt your cheeks heat up.
"Uh, in my defense I didn't call out to anyone in particular."
He laughed and you felt the contagious feeling spread as you smiled. Before your gaze on him turned to wonder.
"What are you?" You asked and he quirked an eyebrow up Before leaning in close enough that you felt his lips brush against your ear.
"Let's just say I'm a lover who couldn't stand to see someone like you continue to uncomfortably dodge your family on what should be a nice night." He leaned away from you shrugging and you just decided to drop it. Right now he was an angel or... something that answered your silent plea for help.
The walk home was spent giggling at dumb jokes and indulging in the social high you got off of him.
"If I wasn't with you all night I'd think you were drunk." He smirks and you lean into this side, wrapping your arms around his waist to keep warm.
"And if I didn't know any better I'd say you were heaven sent just for me tonight." You smile lazily before sobering up a little bit. "So, you never answered me."
"About what?"
"What you are." When you say that he gives a smile as if to say 'you caught me.'
"Well I guess I owe you after such a wonderful night."
You watched as that same being from before took over his form. His skin was a light grayish blue and his teeth sharpened into points while horns sprouted from his forehead, curling like a rams. His skin had what looked like etchings or scarrings of odd symbols and markers but other than that he looked the same, save for his hands becoming clawed and rough.
You just stared on in awe as he smiled
"You're a?"
"An incubus, And you have provided me with a wonderful night. But how would you feel about the night not ending yet? If, you're comfortable. That is." He asks wish a smirk and as your cheeks heat up somehow the situation isn't even surprising. He read your mind and showed up when you mentally called out for help, you knew from the get go he wasn't normal.
Resting your head against his chest you sighed.
"Let's just, finish walking home and see what happens next."

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