Incubus/Female Reader (Suggestive)

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not dumb at all! I completely understand, I tried to give more detail to the monster in question this go around (practice makes perfect yeah?) apologies if it's not as in depth as you had hoped I'm always willing to learn and try more 🖤🖤🖤

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not dumb at all! I completely understand, I tried to give more detail to the monster in question this go around (practice makes perfect yeah?) apologies if it's not as in depth as you had hoped I'm always willing to learn and try more 🖤🖤🖤

when the two of you meet its under rather odd and funny circumstances. Wind blows through your windows- the cold waking you up and you're *sure* you closed them before you went to bed. Then you feel it, the sides of your bed are pushed down and as your eyes adjust to the dark there's someone seductively making their way towards you.
Panic should have immediately set in, yet the sight of his bright glowing eyes and horns that wound around his ears- you were mesmerized. His body seemed to shift into another form, as it came into view however when the transformation was complete
He looked the same.
His arms were soft his tummy was round his thighs touched, he seemed to feel he was no different as he looked himself over before chuckling in a nervous manner, Sliding a hand over his pudgy form just to make sure
"Well this hasn't happened before..." he said beneath his breath and you were suddenly not afraid of this intruder as you sat up. Your brain rationalizing this as just a dream after all- especially after you saw his tail flick into sight as he sat back on your bed in something along the lines of embarrassment.
"What hasn't happened before? What are you?" You questioned lightly pulling the covers over yourself which he seemed to take note of.
"I'm not... I'm not used to people finding my body desirable in its natural state- usually a change, I'm more muscular, more handsome, more..." He seemed to not want to say the words but you found yourself understanding.
"Thin." There's a bitter sweet smiles that finds its way to your lips and in an instant you've never seen such conflict in a creatures face before. "What are you?" You asked again letting your hand gently find his, squealing his hand for reassurance. His fingers were clawed and scaled, those traveled up to his elbow and they seemed to also cover his neck and feet.
"I'm an incubus, I take the form desired most by others and gain energy from, intimate favors." His voice was smooth, and soft. Something you felt you could get lost in, "do forgive me, I seem to be taken off my game with this... turn of events. Maybe I should-"
"Cuddle?" You cut in, you weren't going to let him leave not just yet. If he was off his game you respected that but no way were you passing up such a romantic moment of acceptance. you'd never seen a demon blush before- Well you'd never seen a demon before so...
"I- uh, I don't... cuddle I mean I never... have?" He seemed to be stepping into unknown territory and you shook your head.
"I can teach you, unless you'd rather go to... someone else." Despite the clear acceptance of each other you had a slight flicker of doubt in your mind but he shook his head (maybe a little to fast) and the doubt melted away. You guided him under the covers with you and something seemed to flick on inside his head as he instantly snuggled up to you, resting his head in the crook of your neck, his legs intertwining with yours as his hands found their way to the dip between the curves at your waist. Lightly as if everything fell into place his fingers trailed each dip and curve of the silhouette of your body. It tickled and but you found yourself falling asleep at the feeling, the warm comfort of the two of you hugging you like a soft blanket. The unspoken understanding that lingered in the room.
The acceptance.

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