Best Mates.

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A kinda (kinda not) poem based off of Atmosphere's 'Became' <3


Maybe it was a mistake
Or maybe it was the right choice

When we went out to those woods I wouldn't have guessed in a million years what you became. And to this day I don't know why. I don't know how. But I do know one thing.
I know that I don't understand why you asked me to come with you.

It was a stressful year, a stressful month, a stressful week, and damnit it was a stressful day.
Kids are dying, our governments shit, I'm taking so many extra shifts man my limbs were so stiff.
And you were hangin out, like you always did. Stopped by to chill, have some pizza and I dunno shoot the shit.
But you saw it in my eyes when I opened that door.
Saw the tired, the aches, the pains and the sores.
I remember, you slapped your knees and stood up. You wrapped your arm around me and asked me what's up.
Then it spilt
all of it
From the break ups the break ins the shake downs and sit downs. It all came spilling out like I was sick with something bad. And after it was all out I just hung my head scared that venting would make ya mad. But you didn't, you smiled. You hummed and then you said.
"Man that's it we're camping, I'll plan the trip you go to bed."
I told you that "you're crazy" I told you "I can't afford too." But you looked at me and smiled and said "you won't ever have to worry again."
I should have took the hint
I probably should of ran but when I rethink it
I'm wondering if right now I should be running away from or to you.
You see we got packed up. Put it all in the truck. We got our snacks, our drinks and the stereo up.
Man for those next fifty miles it felt like we could fly, drive down those empty highways lift off and touch the sky.
We weren't on camping territory no that wasn't even close
You told me
"We're off roading, grab a stick and follow close."
I never knew you liked it so much; the outside, the sun, the rain.
But the way you climbed and ran I should have known
This was your home terrain.
I followed you to a cave you beckoned me in and I distinctly remember saying
"Hell no, fuck that! There's wolves and shit in there I can feel it."
You just laughed.
I felt a little funny at that but I pushed it down deep till it went away.
We started a fire and I swear I'd never felt more at peace
Maybe you were right what you said later that night.
"I only come into the city because of you ya know." You snorted. I looked at you and sighed. "Honestly. If I could keep ya here? Away from all that? I'd never need the city again."
I never noticed it until then but.
When was the last time you invited me to your place? Where did you work? Did you work?
The questions hurt my head but I thought it rude to ask
Were you okay? I wondered, but I kept my mouth shut.
We sat up talking about the things we never have. We were so close I couldn't help thinking we should have done this before.
You mentioned how clear the skies were supposed to be today and tomorrow.
I agreed saying the full moon tomorrow was supposed to be incredible.

The next night I thought you attacked me, I got really scared
You turned right in front of me
Fuck I wasn't prepared
You said "it's okay"
And I started to run. I don't know if you chased me, but I think you were stunned.

I went back to my home, went back to my life.
But everything's hard and you're no where in sight.
You've got to admit that was scary as shit
And on my way home it was six cars I almost hit.
Couldn't slow down Couldn't stop my hard breathin
Even once I was in town man I couldn't stop speeding

Now I'm standing here in tickets and debt
Everything's back especially that pain in my head.
I've had some time to think
I've put it all together
I wasn't just a piece of meat
You just wanted "us" forever.
I packed a bag but I don't think I'll need it
New sightings of wolves yes all of them recent

So I'm coming to you
I'll always trust you
With love, my soul I'll give it to you
Leaving all this behind
With one look back as good bye

Romancing the shadows Volume OneWhere stories live. Discover now