Reader/Angel (SFW)

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Oh no nonny!! I'm sorry you aren't feeling the best if it get real bad try to open up to someone even if still on anon or a person in real life okay? Stay safe I hope this helps<3 also hope you don't mind an angel for this one my angels aren't exa...

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Oh no nonny!! I'm sorry you aren't feeling the best if it get real bad try to open up to someone even if still on anon or a person in real life okay? Stay safe I hope this helps<3 also hope you don't mind an angel for this one my angels aren't exactly traditional~ also there's comfort by hugs and stuff I hope that's okay I can do something else if not and I know I This is rather short but I wanted to get this out to you quickly since I know how much anxiety sucks. And also to anyone else who needs it rn ✨

They'd noticed it from the very beginning, your eyes looked a little more tired, your shoulders sagged a little more, your smile was a little more rare. At first they didn't want to bother you or seem over barring but after a few days they knew something was up.
You were sitting on the couch just sorta spacing out- thinking a little too hard about things that weren't in your control. They gently climbed up next to you, soft large golden wings covered in feathers enveloped you- snapping you from your thoughts.
"Oh-" you smiled but it was half hearted at most "Hey, sorry I didn't see you, haha. Zoned out I guess." You tried but the angel quickly hushed you. Before nuzzling into your cheek.
"Darling talk to me, you've not been yourself, how can I help you? Hm?" You tried to brush it off, say that nothing was wrong but, angels have a way of telling when someone was sincere or not.
"My precious one, you have been in your own head far to long, mm? Come out of there, stop thinking of the world you can not control... be in the moment, with me? Please?" As their head tilted and their soft white hair fell over their face you couldn't help nodding as you drew yourself away from the couch and into their arms. Their soft wings fluttering close around you as hands rubbed your back soothingly.
"Breathe, my love. Focus on right now, right here. Focus on us, you're safe." They whispered breathing in and holding it and then breathing out. After nudging you you began to match their breathing, trying to ground yourself. The cloud of anxiety in your brain hadn't lifted yet they helped you understand no matter how you felt or reacted- no matter what was going on in the world
No matter what was happening
There was always a silver lining.
"Let it out my sweet one, I am here for you. Let me help you." They whispered hugging you tighter raising a hand to brush through your hair.
"Nothing can harm you here."
Soon it was just the deep breaths filling the room as you laid there. They wouldn't push you to talk unless you needed too. Some people... just need a moment. And hopefully they were giving you yours.

Romancing the shadows Volume OneWhere stories live. Discover now