Werewolf/Reader (SFW)

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I'm diggin these recent requests! And don't worry anon my requests are alwaaays open

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I'm diggin these recent requests! And don't worry anon my requests are alwaaays open. Especially since the most I've ever had at once was like? Four? cx (also this was so fun to write It feels like my old writing with how silly it came out.)
She was considered the meanest biggest baddest wolf in town. When she was around everyone hid. She took what she wanted and she never looked anyone in the eye.
You however since getting to said town.
Weren't having ANY of it. You told everyone you take care of her! But they all just laughed at you, patting your head like a child.
"Oh sweetie that's so cute. Maybe one day you'll grow up big and strong enough to fight her!" They teased
"But I'm an adult!" You'd yelp, embarrassed at how they treated you. No matter what you'd say, in everyone's eyes you were tiny cute and helpless... well you show them!
Later that night she emerged from the woods, stomping down the streets, people cowered in fear of her. You were waiting for her- just waiting for her to round off into the alley and the moment she did-!
"Ah HA! Got you now you terrifying beast!" A terrifying roar came from her as she turned jumping back, claws at the ready, ears back.
"You think you can scare all the people huh? You think you can step all over them and do whatever you want!" A burst of courage flowed through you as the beast reared up and you poked her hard in the shoulder, shoving her back. "I'll show you! I'll show you you can't mess with us anymore! Or me! And then they'll see! Then they'll- huh?" Just as you had backed her into the corner you realized something was wrong. She was- shaking? "Hey?! Why aren't you growling at me or trying to fight me?!" You frowned and she peered down at you opening one eye.
"Fight?" Her voice was low but the tone was no where near intimidating. You backed off confused.
"Don't tell me I've got the wrong woof." You snarled and she shook her head crouching down into her normal stance.
"Never... fight- I'd! I'd never... fight!" She tried and you looked skeptically at her.
"You growled at me."
"I-I you scared me!"
"What about your claws huh? Retract em!"
"I'm not a cat!"
At this point your anger was diminishing and being replaced with irritation. No way.
"Well? What about the shops huh? Explain that? What kind of person just takes whatever they want eh? Leaving behind dead animals-! Horrific! Only something a terrifying monster would do!" You tried poking a finger at her angrily. All she did was look down and play with her paws.
"Everyone always runs when I'm near... thought meat would be good- be a good payment... no one was around to talk to..."
At her words your fists fell slack to your sides.
"Oh my god." You whines falling against the wall and sliding down to your butt, the dirt cold from the midnight air. "Oh my gooood! What am I going to do now huh? I was supposed to take you down! You were my ticket to making everyone see I'm not just some cute kid anymore! I'm an adult! I'm tough!" You buried your face in your palms as you put yourself down. Slow foot steps made their way in front of you and then
You removed your hands glaring at the monster in front of you.
If you could even call her that. Your eyes widened the minute you made eye contact and her tail started wagging.
"Yeesh aren't you supposed to be scary? Stop wagging your tail like some dog! Be the monster you should be!" You tried but she just laughed
"You are the first human who has not ran from me! I'm... happy!" She yipped and you rubbed your face feeling the blush coming to your cheeks.
"Listen I don't think you understand. I wanted to fight you! Take you on and show the town I was a force to be reckoned with! You're... you're kind of ruining that." You sighed and she laughed again her tail beating against the dirt causing dust to puff up from the ground.
"A funny human. So small- even if I didn't fight you wouldn't be able to do much!" She seemed oblivious to the critical blow she just sent to your ego.
"Wah?! Hey that's not something you just say to people!! Who do you think you are anyways!! I can't believe this alright fine get up let's fight I'll fight you right now!" As you were up on your feet she only laughed before standing up.
"What is your name?" She asked seemingly unfazed by any blow you dealt until you calmed down- looking away as you pouted."
"What? What kind of question is that..." after telling her your name she smiled.
"I will come visit you soon! But I must go now!" She said suddenly before nuzzling the top of your head and bounding off into the night.
"No way I can't believe I really just got the child treatment from that monster! Unbelievable!"

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