Shadow monster/trans male reader (suggestive/kinda? Comfort)

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It sees it all, the weight of the day dragging you down every time you come home and things haven't gone well
Yet it stayed silent
Within the shadows it watched, listened. Until one day you seemed more stressed than usual. It always wanted to let you know it was there, just in the shadows, but it didn't want to scare you.
However one night It crawled out from the dark corner beside your bed while you were curled up, staring at your phone.
Slowly, tentatively, skittishly... something not quite like a hand formed from the shadowy smoke as it reached out, pulling away at the last second. If you got scared? What if you got angry?
It was the fear instilled in many who wished not to harm but resembled those who did.
Fear of rejection
Fear of anger
Fear of violence
Fear of fear itself
But the need for it to let you know that you were not alone far outweighed it's own feelings and softly, it laid its hand on your waist.

The touch scared you and in an instant you had turned over to find nothing there.
But you felt something, a presence. You'd felt it before but thought nothing of it, but something made you keep looking.
Slowly, a dark shadowy mass peaked out from over your bed you didn't see eyes, but you could feel it peering at you. It may of been shock but the only thing you seemed to be able to do was wave at it.
It waved back.
"Uh, hello?" It didn't respond with words though it did nod its head. Suddenly you felt embarrassed. "Wow how long have you been in here and how long have-"
"Hush boy." It suddenly spoke, gentle in its tone but it still made you jump.
"Oh um, I mean I think I'm a little old to be called boy but..."
"You've had a hard day, yes?" His voice is gentle and when you sigh nodding your head he stands up, you weren't sure what to expect but it wasn't the normal height of a man, no he was, taller, larger.
"Oh... b-big." You stared as the shadow figure stood over you.
"May I attempt to comfort you?" His voice still so gentle but the request seemed so formal it only made you laugh.
"Um, I mean it won't hurt to try?" You gave him a kind smile as he seemed to dematerialize and dematerialize in the shadow underneath you. He rose up slowly arms coming out of the bed to hold you and immediately felt yourself blush as he seemed to just rise up out of the bed cradling you in his arms in such an odd way for someone whom you just met. But he has watched you for so long, began caring about you and for you even if you didn't know. You could feel his stare on you as he tilted his head lifting a finger to gently caress your chin. He was solid yet you felt yourself sink into him just a bit, it was odd yet comforting.
"Some one as handsome should not have to encounter the things that make him frown." He hummed and as your cheeks grow hotter you could feel his other hand soothingly running his fingers along your scalp.
"Tell me of your troubles." He hums and before you know it anything stressing you out no matter the severity it's just all pouring from you. All the while he just hums doing whatever he can to make you comfortable with something that may have been a kids to your cheek he tells you to go to sleep and that he will always be there for you when you need it.
Despite wishing for him to stay it seems keeping up his form tired him out little by little.
However that night when the world is covered in shadows, and you lie in bed waiting for sleep to take you
You feel the bed dip beside you and warmth surround you. His arms curled around you waist as he nuzzles I got our neck eventually nudging you to turn and face him.
"In all my years of living- and trust me they amount to thousands, never have a grown so fond of someone before. I want to keep you safe, my dearest. I want to be yours." A silent acceptance is all he needs when you place your hands at either side of his face and press a small kiss where you feel lips would be. In an instant he's above you, a few hours with him
Seem to feel like a million years and romance had never came so fast. He shows you his eyes, as wide and colorful as the galaxy it's self, filled with stars and planets as he looks upon you with such endearment. He leaves what feels like the most tender kisses all over your body leaving warmth everywhere he touches, the sleepy tenderness of night itself pulling you to sleep.
"My king."
"My love."
"My light in the dark."

Romancing the shadows Volume OneWhere stories live. Discover now