Chapter 1: Strangers Today

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The city is full of different people walking down the streets, hailing for a cab, eating inside a restaurant not aware of what they're future would be. In the middle of the city, a shooting of a television drama took place with people almost dominating the location just to peek who the artists present that day for the shoot.

"Okay. Cut! That's a good take as always" the director praises the woman in front of him for her acting skills. The woman flashed a smile to the director and bowed to him but at the same time the actress possesses an ice cold face when not smiling making the other staffs get intimidated by her.

"Give way to the ice princess" one of the staff whispered to the other. The woman completely heard it but doesn't mind at all.

Continuing to walk to her van, a lot of fans shouted for her name and even asked her to marry them making the actress chuckled and waved to her fans before entering her van to rest.

"Your next shoot will be around 2pm, you can rest for a while" Her manager stated while scrolling the tablet she's holding. The actress sighed in relief and closed her eyes while leaning on the backseat to take a nap.

On the other hand, a college student passed by the same shooting site and saw her idol walking to her van. She shouted for her name but failed to get her attention, she ended up sulking a bit then decided to continue to her destination. She hurriedly went to her university to run to her class.

"Hey!" A woman older than her was standing at the side of the entrance of the university gate waving with a coffee in her hand to the college girl.

"Unnie!" the university girl shouted while flashing a smile to the other. She walked happily to the woman and took the coffee from her.

"I was just passing by and I figure that you'll be running late so I bought you a coffee" the woman who visited her explained. The university girl thanked her for that.

"You never change" The woman ruffled the hair of the university girl with her hand and both of them smiled to each other.

"Thank you for visiting despite your busy schedule, Seulgi-Unnie" the girl smiled genuinely to Seulgi.

"You're Welcome" Seulgi stated. The university girl saw the time and hurriedly bid goodbye to the older one and ran inside the building.

At the same time in the middle of the day, another girl is ultimately training hard moving her body to the beat and following the hard choreography the instructor was doing. With sweat all over her body, she lays down on the floor as the instructor announces the end of the lesson for the day.

"Okay, take your rest. And you right there, you did great today" the dance instructor complimented pointing at the girl who barely moved on the floor she's laying to.

"Thank you, Sir!" The girl shouted and smiled brightly while looking at the instructor. The instructor gathered his things and left the room.

The other dance students started packing their things while the others were bidding goodbye and were complaining how hard the routine for the day as they walk towards the exit door leaving the girl who laid down on the floor while panting hard being exhausted on the training but after a few minutes the girl decided to stand up and drank a bottle of water then started to dance again trying to perfect the routine she just learned as if no one can stop her dancing sexily and fiercely in front of the mirror, completely ignoring one student who was sitting on the corner watching her practice.

The night came, in a corner alley a boyish woman was standing in the middle of a group of men wearing black suits which were laying on the ground completely beaten up. She pulled one up gripping the collar of the man.

"What were you saying again? A girl like me can't be compared to your men?" the woman asked in irritation.

The man didn't answer for he was completely beaten up and almost half dead. The woman noticed that, she released the man's collar making him dropped on the floor. On the man laying on the floor view, a woman was standing with the night view and bright moon on her background being silhouette as the dark covers the woman's body and face. The woman started walking calmly away from the scene but with an upset face. Passing by a lamp post, she stopped walking as the light barely hits her face then turned her head 45 degrees on the left with her hand inside her jacket's pockets instead of turning her back to look at them again.

"I agree. A girl like me can impossibly be compared to dumb people like you and your men" the woman left after finishing her words. She mixed herself with the crowd while she embraces the night breeze. Few bruises with her lips cracked and bleeding, she sighed heavily seeing her reflection on a glass window of a store.

"I'll get scolded again for this" the boyish woman scratched her head then continued walking.

"You definitely will" she heard a voice in front of her making her head to look to the direction. There she saw the university girl standing in front of her shaking her head. The student approached her and pulled her to come with her.

"Where are we going?" the bruised woman asked.

"To treat your wounds. You always get into fights" the student scolded and continued to pull her to a pharmacy to buy some medical supplies.

The dawn came but there are still people working to make something successful. A site in the middle of the city, a group of people just ended their work for the day.

"Good job everyone! I hope this drama will be a hit! Let's all pack up and eat dinner together" the director announces making the staff cheered. The head of the editing department came to gather the videos taken for compilation and editing.

"As their work ends, our job starts" one of the editing staff said making the other members nod in agreement while watching the film team packed the cameras and props busily.

"Are you whining? What could be better being with our head editor all night, right?" one of the member possibly thought almost day dreaming making the others gather their motivation admiring their beautiful, kind and talented head editor. She has the charisma that can get both men and women's heart.

"Let's go and help her. She always insists on doing that instead of asking us to do it" then the members helped the head editor to compile the recordings.

--End of Chapter 1--

Hi! I'm back! Kekeke miss me? I mean my stories? haha

How was it?

I intentionally identified Seulgi as one of the characters.

So the question is, who is who? Any idea? :> 

Hint of characters are on the chapter's cover 😁

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